
For all those into watching paranormal shows have any of you watched?

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Proof positive on zone reality?

Each episode focuses on 3 events and tests the strength of the claims by proper scientific testing eg,lie detector tests,photographic experts,DNA testing of samples.

Only watched it a few times but it's really good,anyone watch it?

It's 10 times better than watching Most Haunted,got fed up with them running around screaming but having nothing to show.




  1. never seen it

  2. i think the only reason we can't prove paranormal activity is because we don't yet know day it will be proven,it's just a matter of time,and learning how.

  3. No, not in the US.  But it does sound intriguing.


  4. Yeh, I watched it the other night when it was auras bits of alien aircraft and the lady ghost. It was good, althouigh I must admit I did think the piece of alien aircraft was real, but they couldn't prove it beyond reasonable doubt, but then they wouldn't would they???  did you see how everyone connected with it has died one way or another and how the website was wiped out!!!!!  Must be something in it.  Also the aura readings, I do them, and while she was quite accurate, it was quite different to what I cam up with for the colours. Good show.  I can't stand Most Haunted either, they've turned it into a drama

  5. I totally agree with you about the programme MOST HAUNTED,  especially the live editions.  They just work on our imagination and vulnerability because most of the time there is nothing really happening and we have to believe that they felt someone touch their shoulder or that they suddenly felt cold or nauseaous.  And those so-called ORBS are never seen when the programme is being broadcast live.  This says a lot about it's credibility.  As for the programme you mention i.e. PROOF POSITIVE,  i haven't seen it yet but from what you say,  it is obviously a more informative and credible offering.

  6. I've never heard of it. What station does it come on and what time? I only get cable so I probably can't get it. Are you in the USA?

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