
For all those religious people out there...?

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If you saw me stab your god, would you kill me?

As, death is a major theme is all religions Although frowned upon.




  1. Hi Thomas.

    You have no concept of God.

  2. God is not flesh and blood, so

    your question is hypothetical

    at best.  I'm not super religious

    but I don't think you put much

    thought into your question.

  3. h**l, no!  I'd give you the biggest medal ever!

  4. No I'd be scared. He would.

  5. no id cry and pray for you

  6. No because God can take care of himself and you would only have to answer to him.  Why are you so angry?  Why are you so bitter toward people that believe?  I wish you the best and hope someday you find happiness.

  7. Sounds like a line from Shakespeare if you add a few thees and thous.

    I stab thy God! Wilt thou now run me through with thy cold words?

    Sorry. I need to get off the net and get some s*x and food.

    See you all later.

  8. Thank goodness you can't stab my God. He's out of reach in that way.

  9. If you were to do that, I would have pity on you for not knowing what awaits you.  Remember, there was no need for anyone else to hurt Judas when he  betrayed Christ.

  10. What a stupid question.

  11. I don't really understand what you are trying to insult me on. I guess you can try to stab God if that's what you are all about.

    I have yet to have an atheist make a point to me about how God "isn't real" without me being able to disprove it. You all are just very ignorant.

    Please feel free to email me with one of your spectacular points on how science is going to save you from death, and how God is not real.

  12. I fear for you buddy. this old grandma has some mighty sobering words for you. Do not step over the line. and you are mighty close to that. If you was my grandchild I would spank the day lights out of you.You will have to give an account for your question and you can hear what God has to say about your question.

    better be careful and why are you so angry?

  13. Allah is unstabble. There is nothing like Allah. You cant conceive of anything like Allah. Allah is far beyond your comprehension, son. If you blaspheme the name of Allah, you'll get stabbed by 666 knives simultaneously on the day of judgement. Dont play with your soul kid.

  14. you cant stab God dumbass  

  15. you're a downright fool if you think you can best God.

  16. No

    God is a all knowing spirit being.

    He created you and knows your thoughts.

  17. That would be pretty awesome, like Diomedes shooting Appolo in the Iliad.

    To answer your question, yes, I would kill you.

  18. no ......why would you want to stab god .. your mental state confuses and scares me at the same time

  19. What a stupid question ! God is almighty  

  20. If you tried to stab god, he'd turn your knife into a limp carrot before you did :D ... OMG HE'S UNSTOPPABLE  

  21. What kind of lame question is that?


    you are simply pathetic!

    That's all!

  22. I have no God

    Nor would I kill you

    However, the fate of karma would be yours alone if you were to take the life of another

  23. Well, I'm one of 'those' religious folks...

    You can't kill my God. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. You can't plot anything behind His back.

  24. According to them, god is everywhere. Stab that watermelon in your kitchen. I'm sure they won't mind.

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