
For all you Rugby fans in Wales?

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does anyone know if Italy has ever beaten a six nations side?

And what was the score between England and Wales last six nations? . :-)




  1. The ref beat wales - not Italy last time..

    He said we had time for the lineout from a penalty (and a easy three points to draw the game).. We went for the try.. kicked it for a 5m lineout by the italian line .... and he ref blew up for full time...disgraceful..But having said all that I love watching italy and want them to do well.

  2. Italy one 2 last year



    and wales beat england


  3. Nonenzed - How can the ref have beaten Wales last year. The fact of the matter was that Italy had more points on the board than you and were winning at that point.

    It really annoys me how you assume that the Italian defence was going to collapse and that you were guaranteed a try. If that was the case why weren't you in front in the first place!!!!!! Yes it was annoying he blew up, personally I wish Italy had been able to defend their line and keep you out, then you would not have been able to clutch at straws and say the ref beat you.

  4. i think italy won 2 games last year against scotland and wales. im sure they have won quite a few more.

    and last year wales beat england 27-18 at Millennium Stadium

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