I am a psychic medium and I consider myself to be open minded and well educated. What puzzles me is if a skeptical person asks me for evidence to prove my beliefs I can give them it. Not just through proving my own abilities, I can also give solid Scientific evidence that they can go and research.
When I read posts from skeptics here, all I see is posts like "it doesn't exist" and "they are all fakes" and "check out James Randi"
Which in my opinion is very narrow minded and bordering on stupidity as it is never backed up with any real science fact.
How can you say parapsychology doesnt exist when you can study it at University?? Thats almost as silly as if I was to say Chemistry doesnt exist.
So my question is .... Can anyone give me some scientific facts including names of scientists, and what experiments and investigations where carried out and maybe even some links where I can follow up your answers.
I would like evidence that is still considered true.