
For all you YN's and Recruiters out there, I received an RE-4 code on my DD-214, How do I get back in?

by  |  earlier

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I was in the Navy for about a year and a half when I was sent to medical for "routine check" when I was doing my check-in for my new boat. When I got to the eye doc, they found that I had scarring in my eyes from cataracts(eyes condition older people normally get). My recruiter told me to hide it before i went to MEPS because it could hinder me from getting into the military. So in a nutshell I received a RE-4 code and a Fraudulent Enlistment on my DD-214. If there is anyway to get back into whatever branch will take me..please let me know. Thank you




  1. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of an needle than for someone with an Re-4 to re elist.

  2. You are out of luck you can't get back in on a RE-4.  

  3. Simple, you don't. You are not eligable for enlistment and it never changes. There are no waivers.

  4. The only way you can get an RE code changed is if it was assigned in error.  In your case it sounds correct.  There's nothing you can do.  No branch will take you.

  5. The only way I can think of is the short form DD-214 does not list why you got out but the long form does. I knew someone that was kicked out for a mental disorder and got back in by using the short form. You could try and get the short form from VA records, enlist for a year in the guard or reserve so you can get a honorable discharge DD-214. After a that you are golden.  

  6. They will want your old service record, you can try to get in but you'll need your re code waived, and you'll have to be in the reserves for a while, however cataracts could DQ you anyway... looks like your out of luck

  7. not gonna happen. a Fraudulent enlistment  means NOBODY will touch you..besides. RE4s are non waiverable.. not even the NG will waive a RE4 for Fraudulent Enlistment.


  8. Sorry. Your condition is disqualifying for entry into all branches of the service. The source below is the medical standard.  

  9. Nope. You are out for good.

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