
For all you die hard dancers........?

by Guest59306  |  earlier

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I just had a baby almost 7 months ago and this is the first year I've been out of dancing =(. Well I've seemingly and frustratingly lost just about all my flexibility as well as my height for jumps (which makes me want to cry). My question is I'm going back to dancing next year how do I get back into my routine?? I'm so lost and everything feels kinda awkward and weird (plus I don't have a full length mirror to dance in front of to tell exactly what I look like). It's just all very frustrating because I never thought any of this would happen. Anyone else has taken time off and needed help getting back into it? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Help... please! Tips anything... any stretches to regain my flexibility anything to help my jumps (I feel like I've lost all the technical aspect of dancing expect my spirit).




  1. I took a season off dance and kind of let myself go. I regreted it and came back, and i bounced right back.

    What I did was stay behind after classes and practised a little with my instructor (although i hadnt lost my flexibility) I suggest doing a little day by day, dont get frustrated when you cant do it right away.

    Remember, Rome wasnt built in a day.

  2. Don't worry, you'll get it back! You have the drive, and you know how to do it and what to do, you just need to do it. Go early to your classes, push yourself extra hard, and then stay after class. Push yourself now and you'll get it back before you know it. With your stretching, do it more often. If you were stretching just at dance class, make sure you start stretching at home too, in the mornings and at night. Don't stress over what you used to be able to do. If you keep worrying about that then you'll never feel like you're good enough. Set little goals, work hard to achieve each goal, and before you know it, you'll be back jumping higher than everyone and splitting lower than everyone! I know you can do it! I can tell from your question that you love it, just go do it! Good Luck!!! (I believe in you C.C.)

  3. Well, I took off a year then got back into dancing, then I took off another year, and I'm back into it. I still don't have all of my flexibility back, but I stretch every day. I stretch in the morning when I wake up, and before I go to bed at night. You might want to research the different types of stretches to do for the type of flexibility you are wanting to regain. Good luck!

  4. The most important thing is to get back into it as soon as you can; the longer you wait, the harder it is (TRUST me, I know...). Give yourself plenty of time before you start classes again to ease yourself into some stretches, possibly try some yoga as it tends to be a bit easier on the body. I wouldn't worry about lack of a mirror too much; any good instructor will help you with it when you start up again. But also, don't be hard on yourself! Your body is different after having a baby and it's hard to get back into it for anybody- childbirth or not. Just keep at it as best you can. Good luck!

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