
For all you pilots out there?

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What age did you get your Pilot's license? I'm thinking about taking flying lessons this summer and plan on getting my permit by the end of it. I'm 14. Do you think it's a good age to start getting hours in? Do you have any suggestions or tips?

Thanks in advance.




  1. 16 is the minimum age for Private Pilot certification with Glider privileges.  A glider is a fixed wing aircraft.

    17 is the minimum age for Airplane privileges.

  2. Very cool! You should decide whether you wanna fly helicopters or airplanes, helicopters are way better in my oppinion, BUT, I started training at 18, good time to start, I highly recommend not training over a period of time, especailly if you want a job piloting, mainly because piloting is a perishable skill.

    So I recommend taking out a small personal loan, and using that to get yourself to your private liscence, and then take it one step at a time to get more liscences you want . Don't start and then stop for a while, it's gotta be a continuous training. But you will work hard for it and it pays off, and you will love the view(except flying instruments). I encourage you to fly though. Pilots are a small group of the population.

    Whatever school you go to , make sure it's a pay-as-you go school, and yes, your gonna need to be 17 to get your private liscence.


  3. Never too early to start learning, but you can't solo until you are 16, and you can't get the license until you are 17

  4. I would wait until a few months before your 16th birthday.  If money is an issue (which it usually is at that age), you may want to star tcloser to the legal 'solo' age for powered aircraft (in the US).  I started just before my 15th birthday, but was working at an airport in exchange for flying time, so money wasn't as much of an issue.  Soloed on my 16th, private on 17th etc...  

    Say goodbye to a normal high school experience if that's what you want.  I used to file flight plans from the pay phones at school during lunch... then do a random cross country after school just to build time.  Wouldn't have done it any other way!

    Good luck

  5. You can start at any age. I began at 20. The thing is you can't solo until you are 16 and get the certificate until you are 17. Even though you can begin now, you'd be spending a whole lot of $, and sitting in the cockpit with your instructor for another 2-3 years can be a real torture, Especially when you know how to do things. Many people can earn their private in 6-9 months so I suggest waiting atleast 'till you are 16. Besides you have school to worry about now, and you would be putting on an extra weight on yourself. What I did was buy almost every aviation book and read up on everything from airspace to aircraft engines. That way whenever you get to 16 or 17 ground school will be a bit easier and you will have a good background. Best wishes always!!!!

  6. This question is asked 90 million times a day....But i always go out of my way for a female pilot :)....

    No you cant get your Privates until your are 17, however you .......14 is a great age to start getting hour's...I started when i was 12ish ....

    And mark, not you can be 14 and solo, so your incorrect.....

    If you have any questions about aviation I'M me at dvail88


    Or my AIM is danielvail   but  usually don't get on it

    For flight schools go here

  7. Wow if only I was 14 again.

    I would get as much experience as you can afford time and price wise.

    Always remember school is more important than anything at this part of life at it decides what you can do afterwards!

    At 31 I still have no licence but am hoping to in near future I have friends who hold licences and all practice using Simulator software as cheaper but still very good.

    I use MS Flightsim 2004 with controls all for £400.

    Good luck

  8. Never too early. I was 18 when I started training. Get yourself a copy for Flight Simulator 10 FSX - Great way to learn the basics ...Here are some free books you can check out from the FAA

    Also a good site:

    Best of luck to you!

  9. Probably best to wait a while.  I started at 19, and would not have been able to handle some of the complexities at a younger age.  And I went on to have a professional piloting career.  So you can do it.

    And this is important: contrary to what somebody wrote above, STEER CLEAR of simulators.  If you plan to do some serious flying, consider the simulator a game, and not worth your time.  Not only does a real airplane handle very differently from the way the simulator does, it will actually give you a false impression of what it is like to fly, and it will teach you some bad habits.

    Wait until you have some experience with real airplanes before you mess with FSX or other computer based simulators.

    Good luck!

  10. The question is what age did you get your license?

    Answer: solo, 16th b-day, Private, age 17, Commercial-Instrument, age 18. CFI, age 19. CFII 20. Then multi and a little later, MEI.

    Currently, ATP-AMEL with 2 jet type ratings, CFI, CFII, MEI, and an Attorney.

    I started lessons at age 14. Actually, I think it's more efficient to start closer to solo age, but I was driven to start when I did.

    Best of luck!!!

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