
For all you psycics out there I have a question for you.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking this girl I like to homecoming. Tell me her name just so I know you are for real, and tell me how the night is going to turn out. Thanks.




  1. i am not a psychic but i can tell this.

    be good and nice to her. get her what she needs. try giving a small present to her. try talking about her interests to her. ask what she is interested in or what she likes. be pleasant to her. ask her to the dance and dance to the tune whch she likes. i am not saying that u should do all this just because u like her, because i knoe that it is very easy to say bt difficut to do so. but be good and just be urself.

  2. put a quarter in get a wish out, duh dat aint how it freakin works mann..

    great another freak that can't spell


    I wouldn't bend my psyche so bad, she'd be so ugly she'd be a two bagger and I'd be nauseous for a week. Please God, anyone that would date this nut keep it a secret from ALL.

  3. I think you should say this to her:

    "Talking to you over these past few months has been really great. I look forward to it all the time. I know that you only want to be friends and I would be more than willing to accept that if it wasn't for the fact that I think you are the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind person I've ever known. I can't stop thinking about you, and I really hope that you would want to give us a chance, because I can't rest easy not knowing how things could be."

    Not really, she wants to be friends, keep it at that for now without frightening or pressuring her once she realises what a good friend you are and how charming, good looking and athletic you are she will no doubt be eager to take the relationship further.

  4. Her name is........Stephanie.  The date will go well.  

  5. Please excuse my twin Mycroft, he suffers from Small Man Syndrome and today he was so exhausted from an afternoon of brass rubbing that he forgot to take his medication.

  6. Her name is Nancy.  Watch out for the punch, or your shoes around 10pm if you forget.

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