
For all you runners-

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I am bloated after I run.

Even if I don't eat much before hand.

It's not an uncomfortable bloating, but I just think it's weird. Does anyone else experience this?




  1. this happens to me after really intense workouts.

    it could be your diet.

    you need a well balanced diet consisting of carbs and proteins. also make sure you drink enough water.

    i think when running the blood that courses its way through the muscles is causing them to expand and forcing them to find ways to direct it and use it more efficiently. so this could be why your bloated.also, the pounding of running actually bounces the digestive system around quite a bit so maybe that has something to do with it.

    but nothing is wrong with being bloated after you run, dont worry.

  2. Yeah, I usually just eat some fruits and protien bars after I run, and that's like my dinner, I think a lot of people experience this, and I don't eat a lot before I run either. I guess it happens, that we're full of running after, but idk if it's good for you or not, still I think we should have some sort of energy or food to fill us up after we've ran to regain what was lost while we were running.
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