
For all you vegeterians out there..?

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do you guys eat eggs?

lol ive always been curious




  1. technically "vegetarian"  is short for "lacto-ovo vegetarian"

    The definition of a lacto-ovo vegetarian is someone who eats no meat (BTW fish and seafood and poultry ARE meat) but who DOES eat dairy products (lacto) and eggs (ovo)

    VEGANS do not eat any animal product including eggs, milk, many times even honey

    But there are many people who don't consider themselves vegan, but still chose not to eat eggs..

    But the majority of those who tell you "I'm a vegetarian" do eat eggs, yes..

  2. Sometimes, I try to get them from a local farm but if they don't have any I get the cage free ones.  Lately I haven't been enjoying eggs like I used too so I don't think it will be long before I am done with them.

  3. yes vegetarians eat egges and dairy its called lacto-ovo

    vegans dont eat any animals no dairy or eggs

    eggs are unfertile so thats why vegetarians may eat eggs because they dont consider a live animal

  4. sometimes i eat eggs

  5. i do, i eat eggs from our own hens.

    i won't eat commercial eggs or dairy though.

  6. vegetarians eat eggs it is vegans who don't,

  7. :o) I do not eat any eggs.  I'm vegan and avoid all animal food and prdoucts.

  8. Some do and some don't.  Eggs are not the flesh of an animal.

  9. actually there are many who do cut eggs out

    but there are some who still eat them

  10. yes and no.

    personally i dont like eggs but i eat them on occasion. scrambled with katsup? yum

    yolk? gross.

  11. I am vegan and I don't eat eggs.  I think the chicken and egg industry are very cruel and I won't support it with my money.

    To see why I made the decision to be vegan, please visit  It changed my life and I believe anyone with a heart will be moved by what can be seen there.

  12. vegetarians generally eat eggs.

    vegans do not.

    however there are in betweens. i'm a vegetarian. i don't eat eggs. i eat things made with eggs (like bread, cake, etc.) if i'm cooking myself (like cake, bread, etc.) i buy free range eggs since the production of them is my bigger issue.

  13. Yes I eat eggs...

  14. yes vegetarians do eat eggs

  15. You can still consume eggs and be a vegetarian. Many vegetarians choose not to eat eggs though. Of all the vegetarians I've come across (myself being a vegan-so I don't eat eggs or dairy) about half eat eggs and half don't.

  16. No eggs for me, eeewwwwy.....

  17. It depends on the person.

    I'm a vegan now, but when I was a vegetarian, I didn't eat eggs or drink milk. (I did eat cheese and yogurt). Everyone is different and they abstain from different foods for different reasons.

    But as a general rule of thumb, most vegetarians eat eggs.

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