
For all you who report my questions,WHY!?

by  |  earlier

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if you think it is a bad question, stupid, or just pointless, why do you morons click on it and answer it, saying oh this questions is dumb,i reported this, bla bla bla! why did i put it under this catagory or that one.... I DON'T CARE! you people need to get over it grrrrrrrr!so why did you even click my question in the first freekin place?!?




  1. settle down now my dear..its only words on a computer screen.I think people answer just about any question just to score points...what do you get 1 or 2 for a question answer.They must be pretty ignorant to be so petty anyway..cheer up and get some more q/a s in yourself.bye for now

  2. Why do they do such things? They are jealous of you, most likely. I think you should get back at them by showing them how smart you really are. Ask some really difficult and complex questions in their categories of choice. Then, when they answer- thumb them down!

    Thaz about all the power you got here other than the power of the pen- meaning words.

  3. I don't report any questions even if they are stupid. But stop "asking" stupid questions (if you don't want anyone to report them) thats why I did not answer you last question I thought it was just to dumb "Help Help" please.

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