
For an average person how long does it take to jog 2.5 miles. And then what good time for 2.5 miles.?

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im joining cross-country this fall and the races are 2.5 miles and i am jogging to prepare myself but i need to set goal time so what a good time?




  1. It doesn't matter what the average time is.  Actually, I doubt anyone knows.  What matters is for you to run at the right speed for your current fitness level.

    The right pace is generally a pace that you can do comfortably.  Your breathing your should relaxed.  No straining or gasping for air.  If you are doing this you are running too fast.

    To prepare for cross country, try running 4 times a week (every other day).   Ideally, the minimum workout time is 20 minutes.  Personally, I think 30 minutes minimum is best.  If you can jog for 30 minutes at an easy pace then do it.  If you can't jog that long then start by jogging for as long as you can then walk for a while and the jog again.  If that is still too hard start by jogging 3 minutes and walking 1 minute repeated 8 times. Each week increase the jogging portion by 1 minute.

    Here are two summer training plans from

    The first is for a beginner, the second is for an intermediate cross country runner.  Good luck.

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