
For an biology experiment?

by Guest21484  |  earlier

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If the results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis that the experiment was designed to test, was the experiment a waste of time? Explain




  1. quite the contrary.  the point of testing a hypothesis is to determine if it is correct.  if a test fails to support the hypothesis, this may mean that the hypothesis itself is incorrect.  further experiments would then be needed to determine which aspects of your hypothesis are lacking, and if another hypothesis might be more consistent with the accumulated data.  

  2. no - it gives support that hypothesis is inaccurate and therefore is still a scientific contribution to furthering knowledge.

  3. No, it isn't.  If every experiment ever done didn't provide the result someone hypothesized and considered it a waste of time our understanding of the sciences would not be as developed as it is today.

    Since you didn't specify what the experiment was, or your hypothesis, it's kind of hard to tell you what an error could have been.  If anything, you may have disproved your hypothesis (myth/misfact/ect) or done something to compromise the experiment (errors).

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