
For an easy 10 points, tell me what u think.....?

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so, i am trying to help ppl out by just choosing a best answer and giving away 10 points!

so tell me what you think about our economy?

(look for more questions like this, i will post one everyday, just to give away 10 points!)

in order to get the points, answer this question with some thought, you wont get them with just "it sucks". or "i think will be ok" put some thought into it!







  1. "it sucks". or "i think will be ok"


    Actually I believe the media is reporting it as worse than it really is. We are in fact not in a recession, a recession by definition is two quarters of negative growth. In fact we have not yet had one.

    We are growing very slow, and the media is negative about it, so it feels worse than it realy is.

    Also unemployment is quite low if you look at the overall numbers.

  2. Buy gold, buy guns and ammo, buy canned food, stock up on medical drugs, and bury some gas cans in the back yard.  Such things will be useful.

    It's not likely to be a collapse of "civilization as we know it," but more like a long slow slide as the U.S. Empire implodes.

    McSame can't do a thing about it if he's elected.  And all Obama can do is prove that a minority from the middle class can still serve the wealthy who own and operate USA, Inc.

    So batten down the hatches.  Welcome to Rome.  Enjoy the wine shops, the gladiatorial games, and the orgies, and hope you don't smell smoke or hear violin playing from the palace.

  3. Our economy sucks!


    We are exporting no goods!!

    Theres is no manufacturing in the US, and we are suffering from it. China has America in the palm of their hand, and most Americans are too stupid to notice.

  4. I think our economy is ok but getting worse.

    Yes theres global warming,

    NO its not like were gonna die tomorrow its not that bad.'

    We have our on gas thing but we dont want to hurt a polar bear,i agree.

    But nuclear energy is now safer,we stopped after 30 years ago a spill in new york.

    were advanced now it will be safer,thats the best waay to go...

    were getting oil and gas from the people who hate us,there ttrying to ruin our economy,they hate us remember?

  5. I think our economy STINKS!

    Go to any gas station and look at the price of a gallon of gasoline. Or go in any store and look at the price of a gallon of milk.

  6. plain and simple our economy is collapsing, that was the goal of 9/11 and sad to say its happening. whats worse is the stimulus that supposedly was going to help but backfired. The government thought people were going to spend it on material items, instead most people put it towards bills. Whats even worse than that is the news recently claimed the avg value of an american citizen went down a million dollars within the last five years. wow, theres a surprise, the government has actually put a dollar value on american citizens...which is around 4 or 5 million. i bet they use those statistics in determining collateral damage. God i hope the next president can fix what bush has done with his 2 terms of office.

  7. The war in iraq is completely exhausting our resources.

    We have a major problem with inflation. While technically, we are not in a recession, the fed continually prints fiat currency, further devaluing the dollar.

    Dependency on foreign oil is crippling our economy.

  8. our system is set up which is nothing wrong to make money for investors .to problem that everybody blames labor cost on lack of profit .so move it offshore cheaper labor ,and management and stockholders' make more money that's the way it works .the problem has more more people lose out to less products they buy .if you saw the profit margin that China ships over here and what they sell a four he would be shocked .some of it is very outrageous but that's back to our system make money .understand Hershey wants to close down factories in Canada and U.S. to move to Mexico comes back to cheaper labor more profit for a select small group of people

  9. our prices will change in gas if we buy more hybrid cars and not use as much gas. if gas prices go down and we use cars that do not require gas then we can pay less on everything because shipping things around the usa will be less expensive

  10. What do I think about our economy? It's definately not going the right direction, that's for sure! The price of everything is going up, but the value of the american dollar is steadily going down. There is so much corruption and disaster, not only made by human nature, but by people as well. Dishonesty, drugs, war, the world is getting worse and worse, and it's hard to think about what our government is going to turn into. For the better or for the worst? Who's to say? I can't quite answer this question properly because I don't really know how to type how I really feel about the situation, but that kind of sums it up a bit I guess.

  11. it's bad :]

    its really bad cause bush is in office, we are in debt of 9 trillion, when clinton was in office we were ahead in money..

    maybe with obama, we'll get things back inorder, as for bush fixing what he did...

    rofl, not gonna happen.

  12. well it think that the economy has had its ups and its down and right now i think its in its down stage.  A BIG DOWN STAGE!

    we need to inform people about p roblems not just throw it aside and focus on WAR. war is BAD!

    we need to try to all come to an understanding. we all need to save the planet and OURSELVES. right now were killing ourselves with war and bombs and everything really. we can make a change in the economy if we all try. we can make a difference!  WE CAN MAKE THE ECONOMY IN AN UP STAGE if we just try!!

  13. a poor econnomy is a result of poor leadership, but i will also say that with all the problems in the world the economy is the least of our problems,  { global warming- mideast crisis- over population and it does not stop there, its to late to correct the mess that the administration of the last eight years has caused .

  14. Well,as it's go it's really does suck. But I was raise in the sixties ,in a family with seven kids. And I thought It suck then too. So as it go now it depends how hard you are willing to work to have what you want.

  15. i think our economy is terrible, well the world economy with the rising oil and gas prices and the falling canadian dollar and food prices and everything going up, our econoy is almost the worst its ever been

  16. The economy is a 2 way problem.

    But which economy are you talking about? US? UK?

    For US:

    problem- Our Fed. Gvrnmnt. created the 'Victory Tax' in 1943/ this helped to drive out Huge Manufactuering-out of the U.S.

    problem-Our Fed. Grvnmnt. began to do away with the Gold standard and lean on Oil as a means of monetary strength in the 70's

    problem- Our Fed. Grvnmnt. allowed for lending institutions to have their say in %'s that they chose to charge in interest rates through the 80s &90s

    problem-Our Fed. Grvnmnt. focused more on taking care of & saving the banking and money institutions of America then the manufactuering sector-what was left.-through out the 90s& into 2007

    Over All the WallStreet has had free reign to do what works (for them) . Overall it is a bleak picture. Seems to be based on GREED. "What's in it for ME !! " attitude...

  17. I need to know who you are to answer, as your economy is most likely not the same as mine, as I doubt you live in the Netherlands like me

  18. The economy is in a definite downturn right now...but that is going to happen. It is a cyclic beast...sometimes it is up and sometimes it is not. We can't be on the upswing all the time. And as much as the economy is not good right now, it is certainly not in a depression, or even a steady recession. It is something that we will have to ride out until it begins to rebound again.

  19. gas, airplanes are now charging for drinks, and prices going up

    in my exprience in playing the pc game starcraft the country with the most economics has the upper hand

    i am a getting very scaried about the economy

  20. well, it's declining that's for sure.unless the next president whoever it may be has a big big responsibility on his shoulders.

    not only to boost the economy to an all time high but also the various other aspects that comes along with boosting package

  21. i honestly thought are economy was going down the tubes but within the last year i see alot of things changing for the better and i do see it getting a lot better over time were getting a new president and thats what we need is change

  22. Well, i think everybody knows that the economy is going down a lot. Thankfully, as a doctor, i don't feel it. In my field, no matter how little houses are selling or how bad the stock market is doing, people are still going to get sick, so they'll come to me.

    However, i can see the pain of most of my friends who are average joe's. My good friend, who is a great teacher, is especially struggling.

    Especially with the gas prices, the economy is really taking its toll on the ordinary citizen. Yet, the Bush administration is focusing on non-existent weapons in Iraq. I think the president of the USA should focus more on the USA instead of another country.

    I do think, however that the economy will eventually get better once we have a new president. It doesnt matter which one it is, it cant get wrse than it is now. With Obama, i think it will be better than with Mcain because Obama will end the war and that money can be spent for us.


    although the housing sales are going up for all the bank owned houses, thats good for the first time home buyer program, its TOTALLY NOT GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE WHO'S LOOSING THEIR MONEY, DUE TO THE FREKKIN SORRY ECONOMY

  24. i think that we r in a definet resetion and that it will take a cupl of years to bounce back.  gas prices will continue goin up and with more natural disasters like the flooding in iowa, we r gonna drop like dead flies


  25. "Our"? As in America? We have one of the best economies in the world. Despite the debt and other issues, it is one of the best economies for a country of free people to pursue their dreams in. Don't like it? Go get rich or move elsewhere.

    And @ the guy who says it's a tool for the government to manipulate the masses... stop using it and live on the streets! The economy is not a tool, it's a result.

    Coming from a dead broke 22 year old who works hard for a living and was only recently able to afford health insurance. I ride my bike and walk instead of complaining about gas prices. The economy is only as good as it's users.

  26. I think first off the economy is in a critical state due to high gas prices, and now it's affecting all people who are trying to make ends meet. The ones making the money is the rich like Exxon/Mobil and it's share holders. I think this country is damaged to the point, that things will get unpleasant as time goes by. We did this to ourselfs by not listening 35 years ago when President Nixon warned the people of this country to  develop ways to be independent from foreign oil. It seems people laughed and did nothing about it, and now were being held hostage by an Arab nation and gas company's.

  27. Well, everyone knows that our economy right now is bad. It isn't just one thing though, it's a combination of things.

    War and  Inflation being the biggest, in my opinion. If you do the research, the economy booms every 40 or so years.

  28. I believe the democrats in Washington are doing their best to tank the economy, the economy has put up a long hard fight, but with the price of fuel on the rise daily it can't survive much longer. Obama will pay a price for what the Nancy Pelosi  Harry Reid gang are doing.

    I'm not here for points, but thanks anyway.

  29. I think that right now our economy is really falling apart right now. I know it'll take time to get better to and it will get better. it's just going to take time.

  30. our economy is doing not-so-well because the gas prices are high, our food prices are high, and every other prices are high because everything is inflating.

  31. Actually,I dont think the economy is in such bad shape as they are making it out to be.Yes gas prices are out of whack,Home loans have taken a beating,but I blame mostly people whom were trying to flip houses as an investment and got over their head,along with people getting ARM loans knowing it was gonna raise beyond they're affordability.

    Im 42 and Ive seen prices rise due to inflation,fuel and shortages at least dramatically 3 times.In the late 70's early 90's and now.

    Its a cycle that sucks but it always seems to happen every now and then.

    We really dont know how good weve got it considering how people did without things after 1929,or during the rationing during WW II.They all managed to survive somehow,why should we be different,Are we spoiled?

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