
For an essay: Do you like trains? What is positive about them? What are good aspects about them? Quick please!

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Please explain why a train would be good to bring back to a state that has little to no public transportation. Thanks.




  1. It would reduce congestion, provide a cheap transportation alternative for the poor and reduce our dependency on oil

  2. I do like trains! and I think is one of the most amazing inventions of the human being. they are secure, powerful for carrying cargo and lots of passengers, cheap, and are among of people's prefered transit sistem.

  3. 1. Yes, I do like trains. I travel on them regularly and I am interested in their history, development, etc.

    2. Trains are a much more efficient form of transport than road traffic - 5 times more fuel efficient in fact. They are also much safer being much more strictly regulated than roads, many built-in safety devices, fail-safe signalling and braking, etc.

    3. Trains are less damaging to the environment. Best example is Switzerland where almost all trains are electric powered and 70% of this comes from hydro-electric schemes. This would not be suitable for all countries but even so, a train hauling say several thousand tons of freight or several hundred passengers puts out a lot less pollution than cars or lorries doing the same work.

    4. Where there is little or no public transport there may still be trackbeds left over where former rail lines have been dismantled. This is the case in a lot of places in the UK. It would be possible for instance to reconstruct a rail line to provide a light rail link, connect with the main network and provide an alternative to cars, if enough incentives were created to use it.

    I understand this is being done in some places in the US as well as in the UK and has had some success being used by commuters, schoolchildren, tourists etc.

    Just a few ideas. Hope it helps.

  4. OK

    When fuel prices rise, trains are more economical.

    The End

  5. Effective use of a clean rail system could help alleviate the horrific traffic problems major metropolitan areas face every work day.  

    Future train production should accomplish comfort, high speed, and low emissions for short and long term use. Meaning it should make the commuter feel they are getting much of the same conveniences they would get from being in the comfort of their own automobile and maybe more; high speed rail lines would allow the commuter more time at home in the morning and evening to be with the family and long distance users the ability to get somewhere in a relative short amount of time for a price considerably less than aircraft travel.  Also, the train system must be enviornmentally above and beyond anything else in the public transportataion field.  This I think is self-explanatory.

  6. "Do you like trains?"

    That's probably the best writing prompt I've ever heard, lol.

    But seriously, they are the safest form of transportation (statistically), they are a fast means of public transportation, and it's clean for the environment because a lot of people can go on one train instead of a lot of individual cars. They're also probably the best/fastest way to ship things other than by airplane

  7. Trains can move more freight less expensively than truck and plane. Not only are trains better on fuel economy but having a railroad in your community would bring jobs to the community.

  8. It has worked great in Europe.  Fuel efficient.  Most the infrastructure already exists.  Price would be efficient.  Good luck!

  9. This essay topic makes you sound too young to be on the internet.

    Try using Encyclopedias for your report, young man.

  10. yea trains are great even the driver can get all messed up on them and as long as they stay at beer speed it won't crash thanks to the gps tracking oh yea did i menchen that this is only true if the com sat tracking unit is working right  :)

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