
For any UK Police Officers out there?!?

by Guest10670  |  earlier

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I am trying to get into the police force at the moment, and applied back in October last year. I was just wondering, what is the most difficult part of the recruitment process to pass? I haven't been to an assessment centre yet, and am also wondering what to expect. I think the assessment centre is the next bit, as they have all my references back etc, and I haven't been rejected yet!! Any advice on how i can succeed?

This is my first application, so I'm not really sure what to expect. Thanks!!




  1. Can you brew up and go for takeaways, can,...youre in darlin', (we,ll talk about the other stuff later!).

  2. Yes it's a doddle. If you can successfully assemble an aeroplane from Lego set 3, you've cracked it.

  3. Just a bit of advice, when you get to be an officer/constable/whatever, don't let them pressuring you into doing anything you don't agree with.

  4. my cousin graduated into west midlands police last week & she is as thick as pig sh*t. basically if your a woman or an ethnic minority & you can breathe, you're in!

  5. Assessment centres have  persons acting out situations you might face on the street as a police officer , they want to see how you deal with them. The main thing is always to keep calm and try to take comand of the situation . Ask questions of the persons involved to see what the problem is , then give advice .

    They are not looking for you to know exactly what the law is in each situation only that you are confident , calm and take control of the situation .....

    Good luck .....

  6. It's many years since I did it so this is only a rough guide.

    Apart from the usual fitness tests, there are classroom-based tests which includes being given scenarios for discussion, they are not necessarily looking for the correct answers at this point, just your powers of reasoning and your ability to base a fair argument and the way in which you put your point across.

    There will also be practical problems to solve as a team, they will be looking for leadership, if you think something is wrong, say so forcefully without being aggressive.

    If the assessment is residential, there will probably be some kind of social function as well, most training centres have a bar. Remember that you will be being watched during that,  so don't get off your face!

    Good luck.

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