
For any guys here who surf. Why do some guys Love to drop in on girls when surfing?

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I mean come ON guys, you can see that we can surf, so why take off in front of us or paddle like a demon when we only need one more stroke to be taking the drop? What's with the competition?




  1. Guys think that showing off to girls will automatically get them to like us, but it never happens and those that know this laugh at the ones that dont think..

  2. Hey, women should be on the sand waxing our baords or oiling up our backs...not riding waves...nice swell there toots  now get me some pabst

  3. A girl I've surfed with a few times had this constant complaint.  She was from Santa Barbara and said that men would always drop in and try to do real big hits.  Yeah, they're showing off.  Start calling them on it.  I've surfed Santa Cruz all my life, and there are a whole lotta people who try to act all tough, and especially since you're a girl, if you go "hey d**k head, you're gonna get punched in the face if you take another wave from me" you're set.  Just make sure it's not a core local, or somebody who just really really rips.  Haha, my buddy got dropped in on in SC, and he's from San Diego, and he tried to pull this... to my dismay since the guy that took his wave was Matt Rockhold!  So yeah, do it to some noob.

  4. Could just be the vibe at the break you are surfing. Some breaks are just more competitive than others. Try a different spot with a mellower crowd.

  5. More than likely, they wish to meet you. Boys will do many things to meet a pretty surf-chick!


    (You should know this!!!???)

  6. Are you aware of the etiquette of your local break?

    You may be annoying and provoking other surfers if you are not.

    Find out the etiquette and you may know if you are doing anything wrong. Other surfers will drop-in on your or even start a fight if you move-up in the line when you are not supposed too or drop-in on waves that are not meant for you.

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