
For any one who has had their bilogical father walk out on them. or some one that can help!??!??

by Guest64428  |  earlier

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Okay see my realdad walked out when i was like 4 or 5.

and me and my mom found his myspace and sent him an e-mail.

and i gave him my yahoo address and he sent me a message that said the reason why he couldn't come see us ( my brother and me )

is cause my mom wouldn't let him i asked my mom and she told me she didnt who should i trust him or her the one thats been mom and dad for the past 11 years? and if hes lieing what should i reply back to him???





  1.   Sometimes people just aren't ready to be parents... Maybe that is why your father replied that back to you..  It was easier for him to BLAME everything on your MOM, instead of him taking responsability for his own actions...

       I have a 13 year old daughter in the same boat as you...  and I hope that she knows that I would never lie to her...  especially about her dad...  My daughter has tried to contact him also and Her dad Never replied back...  Broke my daughters heart..  

      All the advice I have for you is, Love the family that you do have...  Your mother..  your brother...  and any other family that you have around you...  It is your fathers loss that he is not with you...  Someday he will realize that, if he hasnt already...

      Hope this helps...  Take care and God Bless...  

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