
For anybody stationed in Germany, what cellphone company do guys have over there?

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any of the cellphones from USA will work over there?




  1. There are so many telecoms but you can try deutsche telecom. But for me i used vodaphone but make it sure that you tell your server to closed all unnecessary services because you payed a lot extras.

  2. If u have a Dual-Cellphone yes.Just buy a new Chip in Germany.But if ur only there to Visit u can just use urs and then search for a signal and u can pick the one u like and thats it.

    We have

    Telekom Mobile also called D1

    Vodafone also called D2


    and the Rest im not sure,but not many ppl use them anyway and there isnt a too good of a Signal for the Rest.

  3. Enclosed is a list of all companies offering cell phone services in Germany. The options of plans are huge ....and even for a german difficult to understand and to figure out ....

    The most popular is T-Mobile, but O2 is also very good.

    To call from the US to Germany: I use Skype (download is free) and you can call into the german net, cost is around 2 - 10 cents which net you connect into (you have to buy credits $ 10 but this means up to 5 hurs talk)

    From the other comments: to use a dual phone and buy a chip (prepaid) is the most reasonable one.

  4. Deutche Telecom

    no, they have a different, and not to mention much better system over there.

  5. Telus

  6. Vodafone

  7. They have Telcom.  All incoming calls are free.  The only way the US Cellphones work is if you get worldwide coverage or satellite.

  8. You can get a special chip to insert into your phone from the States to work in Germany, however, it is quite pricey. It sounds like you will be moving to Germany, if so, then your best bet would be to cancel you cell phone service in the states. Don't let them tell you that you will have to pay a cancellation fee. Cell phone companies are not allowed to do that if you are moving and were you move to you don't have coverage there. If you are not moving to Germany and you are just visiting for a while then your best bet would be to rent a satellite phone that you can use almost anywhere in the world. When my husband was stationed in Germany we had T-Punkt which is the same as T-mobile. We did not have a monthly service plan, we just bought enough minutes we would need each month because we mainly used our house phone. Oh, by the way, don't use your cell phone to call the states. It eats up your minutes. Hope this helps. If you have anymore questions just e-mail me.

  9. There are many cellphone companies here:

    T-Mobile, Vodafone, O², E-Plus etc. etc.


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