
For anyone that has a wii?

by  |  earlier

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what are the different things you can do with a wii? I'm getting one in a few days and I have herd so many things about wii channels. I don't understand what a wii channel is. My internet is hooked up through the cable does that mean wii channels are free?




  1. u can use some candaels can a wii sensor bar u can use your fingures as your wii remote u can change wii system light when someone sends u a message u can talk to your friends and much more  

  2. you can play sports with it by controlling it with the remote. You can buy remotes so that other people can join you too. There are alot of kinds of remotes(Gun, nunchuck and the real remote and many more) You can buy games for example,

    you chose the game fishing

    it will tell you how to play it and just follow the instructions.

                                                                 Good luck!


  3. Hi, i bought a wii a few months ago and they are great. You can get many wii channels through the internet some are free and some you have to pay for. A wii channel is a little application that allows you to do extra things for example:

    (Channels that came with your Wii)

    Game Channel

    Mii Channel

    Photo Channel

    Wii Shop Channel

    Internet Trial Version Channel

    Forecast Channel

    News Channel

    (Free Downloadable Channels)

    Everybody Votes Channel

    Check Mii Out Channel

    Photo Channel 1.1

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Preview

    Nintendo Channel

    Anything that you purchase on the Wii Shop Channel will show up on the Wii Menu as a channel.

    Answering your question, there are currently hundreds of channels which mostly have to be purchased.

    You can purchase channels by buying wii points, and you can buy wii points at stores like wal-mart.

    Wii's also haev a Built in Wi-Fi Which means you do not need to connect yor wii to the ethernet cable which is the internet cable, if you have a wireless router. But if you dont have a wireless router it is fine you just need to connect the internet cable into the back of the wii.

    Hope i Helped  

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