
For anyone who had a spinal block for a Csection?

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When I had my Csection about 2 and a 1/2 months ago, the anthologist had trouble giving it to me. It took him a good 6 times before it went. For a week afterwards, my back hurt like heck! Since then, I get these sharp shooting pains right where he poked me, almost feels like a shock going up and down my spine. If I get up off my stomach to fast this happens, or if I pick up my daughter the wrong way it happens. Is this normal? My mom seems to think it might be nerve damage and Im going to see the doctor about it but if it is, what can I do for it? If its permanent nerve damage what should I do?




  1. I am really so completely and utterly sorry but I don't know.

  2. No matter what anyones going too answer on here you already know that you need too go see your doctor.

  3. I've had 4 and they always had trouble putting it in but I had NO trouble after.  I bet you do have nerve damage and surprisingly that is not all that uncommon.  I worked with a gal who went in for a hysterectomy and had all kinds of trouble after wards and it was all due to a nerve being severed.  Bad thing is there isn't anything they can do for her.  They did tell her it will heal in time!!!

    You make sure you see a physician and do NOT go to a chiropractor!

    Good Luck

    Unfortunately you probably have little legal recourse being as you signed a waiver before they operated and this is listed as something that can happen.

  4. I had a c-section with a spinal, and it really hurt. It took a while to get it in and it hurt like h**l, too. It hurt for about 6 weeks after. Usually when I would get up or lie in a certain position. It was very sore, but eventually the pain went away. Of course, see a doctor, but it definitely wasn't permanent for me. Good luck!

  5. I haven't had this done, but I know people who have and they say that their back was soar afterwards for about a week but there were no shooting pains.  It sounds like you do have nerve damage, and going to your doctor would be the best thing.  Also like they said above I would get in touch with a lawyer because this shouldn't have happened and something should be done legally about it.

  6. Like always....go see a doctor

  7. if it is nerve damage you need a lawyer maybe he should have called for help after the second or third attempt

  8. Ok my wife had it done with our son and it was ok.But she also had one when she was bad sick about 10 years ago and it was bad when they tryed to put it in it took about 6 times for it to be done right and part of the spine was chipped and it has messed her up bad some times just walking her hip will give out.

    I do think you need to see a Doctor it may not be bad for you but do not wait to see .God bless and good luck

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