
For anyone who has applied to Bschool, GMAT score question...?

by  |  earlier

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Should I pick my 5 schools at the time I take the test, or should I wait and send them later? As I understand it, if I go for option 1, I am pretty much blindly sending my score before I know what it actually is, right?

Any insight/recommendations would be appreciated, thanks!




  1. ,mh,khklhlkhkllkhklhlkhkl

  2. It is the case that if you select a school when you take the test, your scores are automatically sent to them unless you cancel your scores. Still, if you've done some sample exams, and scored pretty well, it may not be such a risk to send them.

    I strongly suggest that you do take at least one GMAT sample exam before you take it for real. Take the sample test as you would take the real one - timed, in silence, etc. Score yourself and see how you do.

    People tend to do better on the GMAT exam if they've done this with a sample test beforehand.  

  3. Pick the schools first.  There's virtually no limit to the number of times you can retake the test, and they'll only look at the highest score you report when you apply.

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