
For anyone who has ever felt what appears to be God, past loved one, or an angel's presence-How did U tune in?

by  |  earlier

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Can you share your story? I am only seeking answers on good spirits-guides, loved ones, angels and God-Jesus Christ-Holy Spirit.

In what way have you tuned in, to the other side that usually has results?

in detail, explain...was it what fasion was it you tune in? and what type of spirit do you think it was?

I know it may be different for some depending on the factors.

I am seeking more serious answers is why this is posted here in the paranormal....either way.




  1. when i met my BF he is a huge christian and thats when it all started

  2. meditation, fasting,the negative zero effect and esp extra sensory perception. I also read 'The Emerald Tablets of Thoth & The keys of Enoch and meditate from the languge of light called Hibiru a languge used by the people before the flood of Noah.

  3. there's was a pastor told me that we can't see God because we have sin until we died and go to the judgment day. i never see God but I'm happy, you know why read the bible and take a meditation. it's not the matter weather you can see or not but the problem is can you feel it??? look around you, that is a gift for you. you are not alone. be happy you can't see Him but you believe in Him. the God himself promise us to send a helpful holy spirit to guide and protect us from evil. everything you asked in your pray, you will receive it if you have faith. God bless you.

  4. You're asking yet another religious question in the Science & Math category, while a Religion & Spirituality category exists for just such question. Does somebody need to draw you a roadmap? I'm not sure why you can't figure this out. Science does not have any answers for your religious questions. You're only going to get the same "serious" answers from religious people anyway, in which case your question is better asked in the Religious category. Makes sense, doesn't it?

  5. During re-birthing and during meditation. Also had angel visit when I was in trouble and my car broke down.

  6. Very often in dreams. I met my ex-boyfriend who passed away in 2003 several times, I even helped him during my sleep (my spirit that is) and I could remember it the following day. I met my father who passed away in 2005. I also had a dream that Jesus' voice told me he is coming... only his voice. I saw my guardian angel twice in dreams, he is tall, strong and has beard. He didn't say anything, he didn't have to, I knew who he was.

    Feel the presence? Yes, all the time. I don't always know who they are... I have seen spirits for seconds, but enough time to know when it is a woman or a man or a boy. I woke up once in the middle of the night and I saw this dark-skin man sitting beside me. He was strong and had no shirt on, just a colorful necklace and a feather hat, I think he was an native.

    There were other situations, but it would be too long here.


  7. It was around 2 in the morning. I was reading a book about the other side and that's when I realized the truth about the afterlife. I suddenly felt a prescence in my room. I don't know if it was something good or bad, but I definitely felt something was in my room with me. I was scared. I knew something was about to happen and then this old toy (an arrow, don't know why I still have it) that hasn't been tounched in a long time suddenly moved from where it was placed leaning against the wall. At the time I freaked out, but looking back it's not a big deal i guess, but just the feeling of a presence and knowing something was about to happen scared me.

  8. I've shared this once before with you. When I was at the very lowest point in my life, whether it was the voice of God or of Jesus Christ.....spoke to me....told me..."remember who you are, remember your going home". I live by those words. This life is so temporary.

    I love your question, hope you get many answers, love reading them.

    Enjoy the weekend, my friend.

  9. My advice would be to stop trying to get in tune with spirits. If you want to develop your relationship with Jesus Christ go to church,read your bible, pray and listen to praise and worship. God speaks to people using his word and although God talks to people he doesn't do it every minute of every day. Also do not try to contact angels God is the only one who directs angels to protect his people. If you try to contact angels you are only going to pick up evil and deceitful spirits. Spirit guides I should say are not of God and they are evil. Spirit guides are demons in disguise and they only want to destroy people even though they might appear to be good spirits.

    Be wise. As God says in the bible that even Satan can come as an angel of light. And God also implores us to test the spirits whether they are of God because many spirits are gone out into the world.

  10. Not so much "felt the presence", but just experiences (in regard to loved ones), honestly it wasn't after doing anything at was just a random "when you least expect it" kind of thing.

    Honestly I think people put too much into the idea that you have to DO something...i.e. meditate, talk to a Medium, even have some hint of contact.

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