
For anyone who knows the story of Romeo and Juliet?

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For english I have to write an essay on who was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I think that's stupid because they killed themselves, ie. suicide. What I was wondering was:

Who do you think could be blamed for Romeo and Juliet's death?

Do you like Romeo and Juliet?

What is your favourite Shakespeare play?




  1. You could argue that their parents were responsible for the deaths since it was because of them that the young lovers could not be together. You argue that it was the Apothecary that ultimately killed them because he supplied Romeo with the poison, and when Juliet found Romeo dead she killed herself.

    You could argue that it was Romeos friends who killed them both because if they hadn't talked him into crashing the Capulet party then Romeo and Juliet would not have met as they did.

    You could blame the society of the time which would not allow the young people to live in peace and make their own decisions regarding how they wanted to live their lives, hence almost forcing them to take their lives if they could not be together.

    Wow, I knew more about Romeo and Juliet than I thought!

    I like it okay, I guess, it is a little too teenage angsty for me.

    My favorite Shakespeare is Hamlet.

  2. Well, you could suggest that it was their parents fault for not letting them be together.

  3. The Parents can be blamed, but then so can the twists of fate/destiny/luck.

    othello is probably my favourite shakespeare play- In Othello, the villain Lago stokes Othello's sexual jealousy to the point where he murders the innocent wife who loves him... all rather relevant in mordern life, maybe just toned down a bit

    good luck with your paper!

  4. Well as everyone else as already stated the family is to be blamed for the deaths of their children.  

    I have never been a big fan of Romeo and Juliet

    My favorite Shakespeare play is Othello

  5. Well I personally think that its the parents fault for not allowing their children to see each other but also it is romeo's and juliet's fault.

    Due to his impulsivity he got banished. Later on when the plan of juliet's 'death' was going well he killed himself because he didn't bother to think things through. Then juliet killed herself because romeo killed himself and she didn't think things through either.

  6. I think the families of Romeo and Juliet are to be blamed for their deaths. It was their hatred towards each other which prevented Romeo and Juliet from getting married openly, and this made them marry in secret, and ultimately led to their respective deaths.

    I don't actually prefer reading Romeo And Juliet, as I find it a very common story.

    And my favourite play of Shakespeare is Julius Caesar.  

  7. Their families and fate are most often blamed for their deaths.  I love the play Romeo and Juliet, but my favorite Shakespeare play is A Midsummer Nights Dream.

  8. no actually the familys are at fault for there deaths. If they didnt try to seperate the 2 then none of it would ever happen.

    no i dont like romeo and juliet

    and my favorite play is midsummer nights dream

  9. you could blame any character really but ultimately it does come down to the concept of fate and predetermined events.

    but just for fun i'll go through who's to blame.

    1. Friar Lawrence - he married the two and his crazy plans were too farfetched and bound to fail.

    2. Juliet's Nurse - she organised for the two to meet when they got married and did not at any time tell her not to marry her enemy nor did she tell juliet's parents.

    3. The apothecary - for obviously supplying the poison.

    4. The Montagues - for warring with the Capulets.

    5. The Capulets - for warring with the Montagues and for forcing Juliet into an arranged marriage and for having the party in the first place. Lady Capulet - for introducing Juliet to the idea of finding a husband before the party. Capulet - for not allowing Tybalt to remove Romeo from the party.

    6. Balthasar - for telling Romeo that Juliet was dead.

    7. Friar John - for not persisting to deliver Friar Lawrence's letter.

    8. Paris - for asking Juliet's hand in marriage.

    9. Mercutio - for taking Romeo to Capulet's party where he met Juliet.

    10. Rosaline - for wanting to be a nun.

    11. Tybalt - for killing Mercutio which led to Romeo's banishment.

    12. The Prince - for not being more strict with his punishments and only leaving a threat after the initial brawl.

    So there you go 12 people to blame for two deaths

    me i love Romeo and Juliet it is a wonderful story about how things just go so dreadfully wrong sometimes. i suppose when you think about it and name 12 people responsible for the deaths and find that the smallest of events links to the final happenings it seems a bit crazy but whatever.

    Romeo and Juliet is the only one of shakespeares plays that ive gotten to know well but ive seen 10 things i hate about you (the taming of the shrew), the lion king (hamlet) and shes the man (Twelth Night) which are based on his works and i know the basic story lines of hamlet and macbeth

  10. It is the Capulet's and Montague's as a whole family for hating each other for no good reason. It was easy to mend after people died over a stupid feud.

    I love it! Yes, it is my favorite.

  11. Friar Lawrence maybe as he gave Romeo the poison. Or the families' dispute which stopped them being together.

    Yeah, I do like it

    I like Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, R and J, and Titus Andronicus

  12. I DID THAT ESSAY!!!! xD. aND GOT A+ :)

    1) Friar Lawrence. He is old, a friar and thus supposed to be wise, however, he is the one who in the end results in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because it was he who messed up. He is irresponsible in agreeing to such a plot and also, it is ironic that he does not take his own advice that haste will result in misfortune (there's a quote, I forgot).

    2) Lord Capulet. He is one who is the most violent in the conflict. It was also him who drove Juliet to such an end. She had no other choice because of him. His selfishness in trying to make Juliet marry Paris is evident. Etc, etc

    3) Fate. Romeo and Juliet were never meant to be. Their fates entwined but never met. What is meant to be will be, they were not meant to end up together, thus fate conspired against them and their short romance ended in tears and bloodshed.

    Hope this helps!

  13. It's a classic case of fate and circumstance / chance coming together which ultimately caused their deaths. But the events which led to their deaths were really caused by the prejudice of their warring families.

    Yep, I like the play Romeo & Juliet.

    My favourite of Shakepeare's plays is Macbeth - I love a dark tragedy!

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