
For anyone whos been travelling or partner of someone who has?

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my ex boyfriend is travelling round Malaysia to get to terms with his dads death. My ex is 35.

People keep saying that whilst hes away he will be having anything but innocent fun and will come back totally different. Hes not really that kind of guy so Im loathed to beieve it. I just wondered about anyone elses experiences.

The reason I ask is cos our relationship was left very open ended so I hoped we might get back together but from what people say he will have slept with countless women etc etc.




  1. Don't judge people on anyone else's standards. Just cos someone else acted that way doesn't mean your ex will.You say he's not like that and you know him better than most, so who do you think is right?The death of a parent is a major event so I can understand why he needs some head space. That said, I hope things work out for you, but he might not want to carry on the relationship when he comes back anyway. Is there any way for you to get in contact with him to tell him how you feel and ask him how he does? If not you may be waiting for something that's not going to happen. (By the way I have two friends that went travelling seperately for a year and they're married now so it can work out.)

  2. Relax and do not worry. Malaysia is fabulous and is an enchanting, friendly place. There is a wealth of culture, history and of course natural life that is so different to here. Couple that with long, people free beaches, jungle to explore and seas to dive in.....your ex is likely to be experiencing some beautiful things.

    Unlike its neighbour Thailand you should remember that Malaysia is a Muslim state; as a result the s*x trade doesn't dominate.

    Be patient you may find that he benefits from this experience.


  3. your ex boy friend has all the right to do that he likes because he is no more with you. You should not bother about him.

    Secondly s*x trade is in every place. It is unavoidable.

  4. If you hope to get back with him- why not travel with him?

  5. Hi, you refer to him as your ex., so why are you bothered. Personally I don't understand the going away to get to terms with his fathers death.  I would have thought he would have required the love and support of those around him.  His Dad still won't be here when he gets back. What he does whilst away really is no concern of yours as you say he's your Ex., if you start together again it is from that point that counts.

  6. you should be there for   him. if he loved you, he would have crave for your support and attention, not travel to God knows where to have "not so innocent fun". make him decide- it`s you or MAlaysia! otherwise, you guys do not sound that serious.

    al the best to you and the guy

  7. death of a family member make loved ones do strange things.

  8. Hi.

    Well I went to work in the states for 4 months about 2 years ago and my partner stayed in the UK, and I came back and everything was as it should be, I didnt sleep with anyone else and neither did he (i hope lol).  He also went a way for 9months and I stayed in UK, he came back and everything stayed the same, we've been together for about 6 years now.  When my partner went away for 9 months all my friends and their friends told me that he was sleeping with numerous amount of women, but I knew he's not like that type of man so you just gotto trust and follow your heart at the end of the day :-) fine, listen to what your friends are saying but also listen to yourself more :)

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