
For babies, which is better... To give pacifier or not??

by Guest32904  |  earlier

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  1. It's a personal choice.  Some babies are very soothed by them and this can be a lifesaver to a tired mom.  My suggestion is to have one around, but don't use it unless your baby can not be calmed down any other way.  If you don't start with one, then you don't have to try to curtail the habit down the road.  However, some babies have such a strong urge to suck that using one will keep you sane and your baby content.

  2. I read that having a pacifier is a known factor in reducing the risk of cot death. So to me that gives them a thumbs up!

    I do agree though that seeing children with them in at ages like 3 is unsettling as it causes terrible problems for the teeth but for babies using them as a soother, I don't there is a problem.

    My nephew had one up until he was about a year or so and my sister had no trouble weaning him off it.

  3. It is a personal choice.  It has been proven that pacifiers reduce the risk of SIDS.

    I use one with my son... It has been a lifesaver on a few occasions and he's only 5 weeks old...

  4. Oh I hated to see one of those things in a baby's mouth. Now that I have the third baby I have changed my tune.I don't have time for him to use me for a nuk. I don't let him have it if he is not crying. I still don't think it's cute to see a two year old with a nuk. Use a nuk if you wish I woulden't let him have it ever time he opens his mouth they do slow speech way down.

  5. well actually its better that you dont give pacifiers.. the reason behind is because babies sometimes become dependent on pacifiers and they will have a hard time without it or when the time comes that you need to take off the pacifier habit..  hope this helps you :)

  6. BK (Before Kids) I swore I would never give mine a pacifier.   I hated the look of it and hated that parents would use it and damage their children.  AK (After Kids) I realized that if it lets you sleep, you will do anything.  My 1st sucked her thumb so I didn't have pacifier issues.  #2 didn't sleep through the night until 8 months old and it was because I finally got her to take a pacifier.  

    Now getting her off of it was a challenge but I had always restricted pacifier use to the bed and only for sleep/nap times so it did not dominate her waking time.

    So certainly it is a choice but I am just saying that when it works for you and everyone is happy and healthy, then use it.  

  7. I give my son a pacifier, he doesn't always want it but on occasion he likes it. I do agree however, that some babies have pacifiers way too long there's a reasonable age to stop them and when you do just cut the top off. My mom had five of us and that's what she did and had no problems. Although my one sister wouldn't take one and sucked on her thumb instead, now her front teeth are alittle messed up. Hope this helps! Oh and I should say that yes, my son will go for his thumb or fingers when he needs something to suck on if his pacifier isn't there. And no, for those who say well you're not feeding him enough, that isn't true.

  8. My son had one until he was 2. Whenever he cried, we gave it to him and he stopped. It was the answer to everything with him. It wasn't that hard to stop because we waited until we thought he was old enough to understand and he didn't even cry for it.

    We offered it to our baby girl and she wont take it. She sucks on her fingers instead and i have heard that's worse because you can take a pacifier from your child, but their fingers are attached. I don't know. I don't stop her from sucking them though. It is sooths her then go for it.  

  9. personal choice .    i tried the pacifer whith my son and he never would take it , unless he was teething , which gave him something to chew on.  

  10. I never used them with my kids, however after seeing my friends kids who use them I sometimes think " why the heck didn't i? I had to spend much more time soothing and nursing, which is a better. i tended to their needs instead of plugging them up. Bed time would have been a lot easier if I had a soother. In the long run, I don't have to get rid of a soother, and my kids now go to bed really well.

  11. for newborns a paci is a good helps their suck the begin i didn't want my son to have it..and it seemed as though he was always hungry..when i learned it was his suck reflex. they also say it prevents sids...i always said before child that i would rather my child suck a paci instead of a thumb or hand that way when it is time i can wean my child..i have a 6 year old niece that still sucks her two middle fingers! you can't take their hand from them! in the end it is your decision..

  12. babies dont need pacifiers if they are being properly nursed. they "use" you for a pacifier.

    the 'study' about pacifiers reducing SIDS is biased, most likely created by the pacifier companies.

    I HATE seeing a 3 year old walk around with a pacifier in the side of their mouth, hanging out like a cigar.

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