
For being a group that want more acceptance and tolerance?

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Why is it if the question or answer is not in your agreement is it so quickly reported? One would htink tolerance should be given before it is expected in return




  1. lol well theres nuthing u or anyone or even i can do abt it.

    thats just the way yahoo answeres is.

    sumtimes its not even the answeres, its the ppl from the yahoo site.

  2. i think you are just a troll causing trouble.  Hoever i find in this case you are 100% correct any disagreement in the g*y life style is reported immediately.  So the tolerant part is only expected by the LGBT community they dish none out

  3. Let me put it this way: The Golden Rule applies every time. When someone shows hostility or just an innate sense of hatred and homophobia, I see no reason their words/actions should be tolerated. That would be akin to saying that in an all black community, they should tolerate a white supremacist who sprouts anti-black comments and claim that they should "accept and tolerate" him.

    It all goes to intent. Some people truly were raised thinking that "g*y people are evil, sick, etc." and don't know any other way to think about g*y people, and they seem surprised when they meet g*y people, and they happen to be not so different from them after all. There is a difference between someone saying that s/he grew up with certain beliefs and would like to understand how we consider ourselves "normal", as opposed to someone who comes here saying "you will all burn in h**l".

    I cannot accept nor tolerate hatred and disrespect.

  4. It's not so much the package, as how it's wrapped.  If you ask questions offensively you can expect to offend someone who will feel obliged to report you.  I've never seen any of your questions so I don't know if they were worthy of reporting or not.

    We are tolerant here, until people come here and assume we tolerate s*x with children and animals.  We do tolerate more than many other sections of society, but we're not sick.  And I'm not suggesting any of your questions were like that, I'm just giving an example.

  5. I know! Anything with the slightest disagreement with their lifestyle is reported and deleted but you can say all the **** you want about religions.

    Just go to the religions sections and atheists will write the most horrible things. But when these atheist homosexuals get dished, they start to cry.

    It's all what the top dogs at Yahoo want. I guess they have a  lot of g*y staff members LOL

    I wonder why Google is doing sooo well....

  6. I Know! i've had two questions removed because they mentioned suicide and g*y s*x..

  7. Not neccessarily just within our agreement.

    Any negative questions or comments are not tolerated within the community, I think we already receive enough of that.

    No-one deserves comments or questions like

    "What does it feel like knowing you're going to h**l"

    "I hate all of you and I wish for all of you to die!"

    Constructive criticism or encouragement is only accepted.

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