
For believers in Man-made global warming:?

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Is Man Made Global warming is real, or is it more likely that we have inadvertently effected the our planet by reducing the CO2 content, and we are experiencing man made global cooling as a result ?




  1. Earth spherical atmosphere is too much wide .. it can be possible in an auditorium but whole earth .. ?

  2. What planet do you reside on? Reduced CO2 content???

  3. No, it is not more likely.  Jeez.


  5. CO2 is fuel for plants.... the best example of man-made global warming is all the HOT AIR spewed from Al Gore's mouth

  6. Man made global warming is definately real and i dont really think our planet is cooling, at leats not where i live.

  7. Actually, whatever cooling you feel is likely a result of reduced solar output, and the transition from the 30 years dominated by El Ninos, to a La Nina phase. These changes brought on by the Pacific ocean have long dominated the much of the climate in the northern hemishpere.

    On another note (actually they all could very well be closely related--we don't really know much about them), take a look at a plot of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or PDO for short. You will notice that it fits nicely with the temperature graphs of the past 100 years. And then take a look at the AO (Arctic Oscillation), the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation), the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation), and finally ENSO (El Nino/La Nina Southern Oscillation). It is entirely possible, and far more likely, that the PDO, AO, AMO, NAO, and ENSO are some of the major drivers of the all the temperatures we have seen in the past 100 years--and far beyond.

    I'll add one more thing: Solar cycle 24 still has not begun yet. It is predicted to last another 6 months (Although it could be years away). If that is true, then solar cycle 23 will have lasted roughly 12 years 4 months, which is the longest solar cycle since just before the Dalton minimum--which was a period of time where sunspots were minimal (those that did show up were large in size and duration and weak). That lead to much cooler global temperatures.  If this lengthened solar cycle is any indicator, then we may expect much cooler temperatures over the next several years.


    For anyone wishing to take the time, here are a few articles explaining the suns role in this, and the resulting change in Earth's magnetic field. Change in magnetic field= shift in PDO and AMO= shift in climate in northern hemisphere.

  8. man, the true factors for global warming as they do open burning, used many cars, development and many things.. there is man-made cooling.. because the earth have the sun to warmth us....

  9. Man is responsible for the accelerated rate of green house gases emission. The natural emission of green house gases is important to maintain the global temperature for living being and agricultural production.  The atmospheric temperature is rising due to green houses gases, which in general is called global warming. However, I also believe that the cooling process of Earth is still going on. Due to extraction of heat from earth, fossil fuel and volcanic eruption, the Earth is loosing its heat so Globe cooling is a continuous process. Therefore, for me Global warming and Globe cooling are going on simultaneously.

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