
For believers of the paranormal?

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Is there some aspects of the paranormal that you won't and can't accept and if so what?




  1. I have experienced a lot of things first hand. I believe that anything is possible, but as I get older I realized that most of the things we hear about are bogus!!  

    Each situation needs to be judged individually for sure.

    The only thing that seems really open to me is, like someone else said as well, is the 'demon and angel' thing. These 'demons' have dark sounding voices, are very powerful, and they cuss and often say things about 'god'.  These types of spirits change their voice apperance, etc.  But I'm not so sure that they're like the way people think of demons.

    I'm also skeptical about 'dead spirits'  often being from dead people. Often times they are other creatures masquerading as the dead that we once knew.  

    But, I believe that most of the types of experiences are real at times, but what the causes are, is unknown. Different religions, scientists have their own theories, but c'mon, who really knows for sure right?

  2. im a huge fan of ghost hunters/ghost hunters international.i startd 2 believe in ghosts since i started watching the show.i believe everything about ghosts besides apparations.yeah,they said they seen them,but i need 2 see one 4 my self 2 im on the fence on that one.

  3. Let's see, I refuse to believe when people tell me that the specs of dust in their photos are really ghost orbs with faces. lol

  4.   I believe in ghosts and spirits, etc, But I do not accept the idea of demons. IMO demons come from the beliefs of fundamentalist religion. Of course,there can be "bad" spirits,because there are "bad" ppl. but they are just evil ppl who have died, and not of Hellish origins as is said of demons. These spirits are simply misguided, and don't have the dramatic powers that Hollywood attributes to them. I am on the fence with angels, to me angels are just benevolent spirits and can be any soul of an advanced nature. Maybe some are special creations, maybe not. I am skeptical of some of the things lumped in with the paranormal, such as Bigfoot ,alien abductions, etc. I have seen one or two good psychics, but would say generally to avoid them ,unless recommended by a trusted friend. Ouija boards seem to draw the afore said bad spirits, but for what reason, I don't know.  

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