
For biodiesel makers?

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the last batch of biodiesel we made-about 70 gallons with glycerine, i`m trying to drain the glycerine out of the tank and its really thick and won`t come out. i dont have a pump hooked up. it probably got thick because we had to use a lot of lye for this batch. any suggestions how i would get the glycerine out of the bottom of the tank(the biodiesel is on top).thanks




  1. we were faced with a customer with the same problem. really it is a pain without a pump. is there anyway you can rent a pump to pump the biodiesel off the top first? once this is done you can add water to the tank to lower the viscosity of the will always evaporate out of the solution later. then it should be able to drain out. What type of tank is it being settled in? before making the next batch, i would consider installing drain valves on the side of the tank, about every foot or so. this way if you are faced with a similar problem again, it will be easier to drain the biodiesel off first.

  2. Probably the easiest way would be to get all the diesel out of the tank first.  Suspectedly you have something to hold the made diesel in so you can continue to make more while you're using what you have.  If the problem is that there is only a drain on the bottom; is there any way to get in through the top and siphen out the diesel first into something else.  Then you can flush out the glycerine with water into another container and let the water evaporate or the glycerine to settle and siphen the water off.

  3. try burrito grease

  4. If you haven't got a pump just syphon of the diesel off the top with a hose. It will take a little longer but it gets you there.

    If you like to crunch numbers you can work out how deep to put the end of the syphon hose so it won't overfill the drum your putting the diesel into. Otherwise watch it. I find having your favorite beverage in one hand aids this process.

    If your sourcing your oil from the same place expect about the same amount of glycerine in the next batch. putting a tapping point just above the level of the glycerine for next time will help.

    What are you doing with the glycerine after you make a batch ?
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