
For boys and girls?

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What is the appropriate time to establish a sexual relationship




  1. Would this be an environmentally friendly sexual relationship?

    Either way mate, if you're having to ask on here, the answer is likely 'not yet'.  When you and her are BOTH ready, think about it again then.

  2. after you have finished your education have a job and are able to support your selves so when you get her PG you can support you, her and the baby

  3. when you feel ready to have a sexual relationship.

  4. When you are mentally mature enough to not only know the risks, but know the preventative measures to combat them.

  5. when you feel really sexualy exited and aroused that means you want to get busy.

  6. when you are about 15 years old.

  7. When you are absolutely sure in your mind you are ready to have s*x, and when you really love the other person and you know they love you and are not just using you for s*x. If you have any doubt in your mind that the other person may be just using you to get s*x or you have doubt that you are not ready then dont do it until you feel comfortable with the idea and know you are ready. When your mind and body feels that you are ready you'll know.
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