
For brawler fans who cant stand mayweather i have a question?

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why is it you that you guy call him g*y or whatever but you would probably never live a day what this man accomplished . you guys make it seem like a true boxer should most of the time stand in front of his opponent and just duke it out like some hockey player . now im not disrespecting the boxers who can . but as human beings we are all made different . pro boxers would usually have one of these if not most. a good chin,speed,defense, power ,heart, and most importantly a smart fighter . the whole point of boxing is 1 these guys do it because they love it 2 support themselves and family and 3 don't let the fans control you get out prosper and retire while a lot of these fighters get out with brain damage or end up in the hospital . so i would like for someone to explain to me how maywether is a punk?




  1. everybody knows Mayweather is the best guy to ever come to this sport under 155lbs, people who hate him are simply stupid, even the hater know he's the best

  2. I've tried for most of my life to explain the science of boxing to the blockheaded "violence fans".  All they understand, check that, all the WANT to understand is 2 guys wailing on each other until they bleed and fall over.  The rules of boxing, and the way it's judged, is to encourage different styles of boxing.  Variety is the spice of life...if you just want to see 2 guys pummeling each other, just go to some redneck bar.  I've at least trained in TKD, Kickboxing and boxing enough to understand just how much more skilled the scientific boxers are compared to the blood and guts sluggers.  Any mook can jump headfirst at his opponent and wing shots.  Some of those shots may even land.  But it takes a consummate, professional athlete to hit and not get hit.  To use subtle movement to force the sloppy fighter off balance and unable to's really something that a big sect of average boxing fans don't  understand.

    Good luck educating them, if you do, you're a better man than I.

  3. No doubt Mayweather is great boxer. He has so much talent offensive wise and defensive wise. The only thing that made me not respect him as much is that he did not fight the best fighters of this time. Sure he fought De La Hoya and Hatton, but that was an older fighter, and a smaller guy. If he would have fought Cotto or Margarito, then he definitely would have had my respect.

  4. The ones who think he's a punk are all De La Hoya or Hatton fans....Gee I wonder why ? Oh yeah watch both fights,that explains it

  5. i think you ARE Mayweather...  come back and fight the best and stop being a punk, lol.

  6. I don't think he's a very entertaining fighter. I'll give it to him, he's incredibly smart in the ring. He was just as elusive as Pernell was, but sometimes he fights the way Sugar Ray Leonard did when he fought Hagler. I don't like the jab, jab, run. Then, come in late in the round to steal it. Once he realizes that his opponent is really no match for him, then he comes in and punishes, which I do like.

  7. i totally agree with you eveyone has their style of boxing if mayweather tried to brawl he would get destroy becasue he doesnt have the power to stand up to stronger boxer however the ony knock on him i have is he suppose to be the p4p best and doesnt take on quality boxer like cotto and maragrita. if your the p4p you beat any possobile contender and leave no question whos the best during your reign

  8. I think he's just short of a coward for not fighting guys who might actually beat him.  No doubt he's got great skills.  But between having somewhat boring fights and not going after everyone he could have, I guess that's why people say what they say.  But he definately was a smart and gifted fighter, can't take that away from him.

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