
For cataract surgery, would you choose perfect reading vision and need glasses for driving, or the other way?

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I am 63 y.o., and am going to have this done in a month. My eye doc says I have the choice, but will need glasses either way, because I am very near sighted. Curious about others' experiences, and choices. I read a lot for work and use a computer, so I am leaning toward getting the lenses that give me perfect reading vision, and having to use glasses to drive and see distances.




  1. well that's a first you get to parents had cataract surgery, from what I understand they replaced the lens and neither of them needed glasses for distance anymore just for reading.  They were not given the choice.  but since you are saying you are being given the choice I would pick the need for reading glasses.

  2. 95% of patients choose to be able to see to drive and watch TV without glasses.  If implants are set to read, then you would need glasses to do everything else; walk around, TV, drive, golf, tennis.  People who are nearsighted are paying to get LASIK to

    reduce the need for glasses, why would you want to creat that situation??

  3. The first one.

  4. Usually, the lens implant the doctor uses will ideally give the patient as close to 20/20 without glasses as possible. Many will still need reading glasses.  A newer type of implant, called ReStor, can potentially give good vision in the distance and near. 80% of patients getting this implant are acheiving the desired results. It can take up to 6 months for the brain to adapt to the lens. It will probably cost you more out of pocket, because insurance  will only cover the standard implants.

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