
For christians who believe in evolution, if man eventually annihilates himself (as we likely will)...?

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...what happens with god then? As this god is supposedly omnipotent, he'd have known this was coming. But what about the earth and all the animals? Will they remain? WIll another species evolve to self-awareness? If yes, what does that do to the original creation story?




  1. I agree with the cockroach guy.

  2. arrg. too much thinking. hurts. brain owie. make the bad man stop mommy.

  3. Obviously you haven't been reading your Bible. There is no such thiing as evolution so God will be screwed.

  4. Humans are like cockroaches. Some will always survive.

  5. God created humans so he stays where he is.

    Man wil not annihilate itself, God will set the world on fire and the ones who are saved will go to heaven.

  6. I can understand where you're coming from with that, but it probably appeared to many during WW1 and WW2 that we were on our way to annihilating ourselves. I don't think we ever will, though. Typically people believe that as long as we are our own adversary there will always be heroes to save us.

    As for what the bible says, God will destroy the Earth with fire.

    BTW, I do believe in evolution.

  7. If humanity dies, its god dies with it.

    Well unless some aliens find some religious articles on Earth, and start worshipping the Christian god. But that seems like a long shot.

  8. Sorry but Christians don't believe in evolution; if we did we wouldn't be Christians.

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