
For co-sleeping mummies?

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So now and then my little man just wants mummy and wants to sleep with me

He is 5 weeks old and when he sleeps with me i have him on my chest

I was wondering when you co sleep do you have the baby next to you?

on you? or how

Do they sleep towards the middle or on the side near the floor

So how do you co-sleep




  1. If you're talking about him sleeping in the same bed as you, I would stop. I have heard nothing but bad things about that. Plus it makes it harder for them to sleep on their own. I've heard of people rolling in their sleep and smothering their baby.

  2. Sleeping on the chest is fine, until they start to move around. When I had my first child, whenever she was unsettled she slept with us this way and she slept in the middle when she was older.(and it made it easier for me with breastfeeding at night!), At 4-5months pregnant before she was born I trained myself to sleep a certain way and only that way, and apparently (according to my husband) I never did move, and now I don't move much at all, I suggest you start to teach yourself immediately, alternatively, you can purchase a co-sleeper safety attachment for your bed.  

  3. Initially my daughters slept on my chest and then as they got a little older they slept right beside me. I breastfed(feed) so the side depends upon which side I was nursing from

  4. I co sleep with my 6  weeks old son, and I get a lots of sleep because he sleep in my arms and whenever he hungry I breastfeed him laying down and I go back to sleep.  

  5. we have a king and queen size bed butted up against each other and then pushed up against the wall. this makes one HUGE family bed, LOL. dd1 (2yrs) and dd2 (4months) sleep in the queen size bed next to the wall. I sleep between them and nurse as needed. I also go back and forth between the two beds, so I can get some cuddle time with my hubby ;-)

  6. If your baby is sleeping on top of you, stay as far away from the edge as possible and get a side rail for your bed, just in case. Your baby can roll off of you and onto the floor. It might not happen for a while, but it could definitely happen one day. My son used to sleep on top of me too when he was a newborn. I'd fall asleep burping him :) Now, he sleeps next to me (in the middle) cradled in my arm and has been for quite a while. The only problem with this position is with younger babies, they tend to bury their face into your side.

  7. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  8. I never wanted to co-sleep, but my son has his own plans. We spent two months sleeping in a recliner with him on my chest. When he started getting wiggly, we moved to the guest room. (I am still fooling myself into thinking he'll sleep in his crib someday, and I don't want him to get used to waking up in my bedroom.) I'd line one side of the bed with pillows. He gets the middle, and I sleep on the other edge.It's not ideal, but I have always been afraid of rolling onto him. I used to be a deep sleeper. We still sleep there now that he's 6 mo old. He is rolling a lot now too, so he decides where he wants to sleep. If he's cozy next to me, he can move himself over. If he needs space, he rolls the other way. Good luck to you, and congratulations on your little one.

  9. I put my daughter close to me, so close that she can reach out and touch me.  I turn my body so that I am facing her, and I put my arm underneath a pillow.  I take away the pillows on her side of the bed, and wrap her in her own blanket.  

  10. When my baby was under 2mths old I used to sleep on the couch with him on top of me.  I never had any problems because Im too much a light sleeper with him and very aware of where he is.  I was too tired to get up having to feed him all the time so we slept on the couch together.  Now he sleeps in his cot (5mths old) but sometimes I put him in the bed with me if he wakes around 6am so I can go back to sleep while he is feeding.  I dont see any problem with it for now because he is still sleeping in his cot from 6:30pm till 7am (with one 3am feeding)

  11. when we go to bed my son sleeps on the inside part of the bed and i have it up against the wall(hes 5 months and can move quite well. )then at about 4-5 he starts getting fussy  so i place him on my stomach and pat his back and he calms right down. Also some nights he sleeps in my arm next to me and thats the only way he will sleep so i turn around with him in my arm and he will be on the side near the floor but im confidant he wont go anywhere while in my arm because i wake up before he starts crying, as soon as i feel him move. So that is how i co sleep lol

  12. in india children sleep with their mothers until the age of 3-4...though most of them sleep a lot more

    i think it wud b ok if u let ur son sleep n ur chest or side coz he is still young n light....if u r puttin him next to u b sure to put a pillow on his side near the floor, so tht he will b completely safe...

    oh...and congrats on bcoming a mother!!!

  13. I breastfeed so my daughter sleeps next to me.  I had a co-sleeper attached to the bed.  I used it as she got older for in the mornings when she would get up to early - as there were lots of toys in there.  Now she's 8 months and I have the co-sleeper set up as a pack-n-play that serves as an early morning play-pen!

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