
For creative minds.. HELP ME!?

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Im taking a creative writting class and im kind of struggling with it because sadly im not very creative, but for our final we have to write a TWENTY page story about absolutely anything we want. I have been brainstorming for the past week and i cant think of anything!!!!! any ideas???




  1. you must have had day dreams throughout your life? you can also adjust and add to personal experience or stories that you've heard from others as a foundation to build upon. a twist in the tail is always interesting for me or 'the moral of this story'  - a sort of consequence of ones actions.

  2. well noone has wrote a story about  emoz,we are  nice interesting people once you get to know us, the story could be that an emo girl loses her  best friend to suicide and runs away from home thinking noone cares and  she hates herself,she runs away and everytime she trys to commit suicide ,something always saves her ,she is lead to a town near by,by a  misterious spirit and there she is told by a fortun teller that there is someone for her,she is then again rescued but by an emo boy who has also run away,they go back home together and they both die in ech others arm ,like they wanted to be,together and finaly found the thign she was searching for,someone to care.

    this is  kinda a dream of mine lolz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. write about yourself, but with changes.

    Example- write about yourself as a pirate or as a girl who can read minds and will use this for good or evil.

    or you could just write a story about your day and add in fake bits like "I was going to open the fridge but all of a sudden a ninja dropped down and we fought. HIYEAA! I punched him in the throat. "

    its really easy.

    Just write whatever comes into your head and then revise later.

  4. 20 pages, wow, that's a lot, I would pick a subject that has many facts to it, like maybe a paper on dogs, you can describe different breeds and there looks, qualities, origins, type of food health problems, temperment, you can go on and on. good luck.

  5. Write about your struggle to answer your essay question.  Describe the process you're going through, in the first person, in vivid emotional detail, lose yourself in your frustration and despair, just pour your heart out - insecurities, fears, and all - and watch the creative process at work!  Suddenly, amidst all the gobbleydegook you write, a diamond will shine through.  Trust me.  Good luck.  P.S. You will have to edit a lot afterwards but there will be so much gold there.

  6. Well Holly, I would suggest taking an inventory of those things that you are most familiar with ( ie your job, hobbies, local interests etc... ) and then expound on that. Project what ifs and maybe's about the subjects. Good luck and God Bless.


  8. Just start writing about anything.  Describe something nearby, like a desk, a flower, your neighbor's hair.  

    Hope this helps.

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