
For customer service workers, what is the dumbest question you've heard?

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I work at McDonald's before going to school to earn my Master's. Anyway, I'm trying to find another job because I am SO TIRED OF THE DUMB QUESTIONS/COMMENTS!!!

I've heard them all. For people who have this line of work, what is the dumbest question you've been asked? Some of mine are listed below.

"What flavor are the apple pies?"

"How much does a 49 cent ice cream cone cost?"

"Which is the small cup, and which is the large cup?"

And my all-time favorite:

"Wait! So you mean to tell me if I order more food, then I have to pay more money? I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER!!!!"




  1. Me:  "We are delivering between 9AM and NOON."

    Customer:  "In the morning or at night?"

    Me: "Between 9 in the morning and twelve NOON."

    Customer:  "Yea but between 9 and NOON in the morning or at night?"

    We went back and forth for 10 minutes.

    Customer:  "Why am I paying twice as much this month than last month?!"

    Me:  "That was because you received 2 deliveries this month, and you usually receive only one."

    Customer:  "I didn't get two deliveries!  I got one on April 2nd, and then the other on April 20th!"

    Me:  "Yes... ma'am... that is two deliveries within one month's time."


    That one went on for quite some time, too.

  2. What are the apple dippers made of?

  3. I work at McD's too and have had my fair share of stupid questions.

    I'm not kidding when I say that I was asked this:

    "Can I get a cheeseburger without cheese?"

    It's like, WTH smart a**, just get a hamburger! It's easier and cheaper.

  4. I used to work in retail, and my all time favorite stupid questions (which I got about twenty times a day):

    "Do you work here?" (No, I just like to wear this silly name tag and stand here all day folding sweaters for fun!)

    "Where's the bathroom?" (Gee I don't know... try checking under the GIANT RESTROOM SIGN!)

    "Why are your prices so much more expensive than Wal-Mart/Target/Kohls/etc?" (I don't know... I don't set the prices, and if I did I wouldn't be standing here folding sweaters for fun, now would I?... go buy your c**p where you found it for cheaper and stop making my job unbearable!)

  5. As a hotel concierge one person asked "Where can I get a prostitute?"  and another asked "Do you know where I can get cheap pot?".

  6. I have gotten a lot of dumb questions?  What comes on a BLT?  How long is a footlong sandwich?  What kind of meat is on the Chicken Bacon Ranch.

  7. Often - it's dumb statements that fly in the face of reality, rather than dumb questions.

    " You can't DO that...", referring to something that clearly has already been done.  Example:  'Change' the price of a popular item.

  8. I work at Panera...

    What is an apple?

    Does that asiago cheese bread(pointing to a loaf of bread just covered in cheese) have any cheese on it? (he was totally serious).

    What kind of bagles do you have (as they are looking at the bagels)?

    I can't believe YOU got rid of the asiago cheese bread/ type of coffee/ whatever. YOU need to get it back.  I can't believe YOU did this.  Ummmmmmm sorry, I just work here.

  9. While in the Air Force, I used to work in Passenger Services.  One of the perks military and their families, as well as retirees have, is free travel on aircraft if there's room and no restrictions.  We'd post the schedule of flights that met these criteria everywhere, including a recorded phone message.  Still every day, at least a dozen times, we would be asked, "can I see a list of your unscheduled flights?"  I was always temped to hand them a blank piece of paper.

  10. haha i work at a market a bakery and an elderly home, i have heard them all! i hate stupid people.the dumbest one i have heard was"why doesent the canned fruit have any corn" ugh seriously?or there was bread on sale 2 for 5 so i rang it in as 2.50...and the woman freaked out saying the sign says 2 for 5 blah blah blah. i handed her a calculator.

  11. I was working the cash register at a Trader Joe's.  A woman paid for her groceries with a debit card, and wanted $50 back in cash.  When I asked her how she wanted the money broken down, she replied, in all seriousness,

    "Give it to me in threes".

    After I just stared blankly for a few seconds, she threw up her hands in frustration and said, "Fine, WHATEVER!"

    I do not jest.  She was utterly serious.

  12. I used to work at Fotomat (a drive-up photo booth in a parking lot) where you take the film and it gets picked up by a van and the next day the customer gets the pictures back. Customers wanted me to go into the basement to develop the pictures now as they were in a hurry and wanted them now. There was no basement but the commercials showed a door in the drive thru like a man hole cover.

    They also expected you to be there at 10 PM because the clock we put in the window said we would be open at 10 of course that meant 10 AM; I have seen them banging on the door wanting us to open-there was no where for us to go (3 sides were glass), there was only room for 2-4 people if you were standing.

    There was also a fire in the lab that developed the pictures over a weekend when we were closed and the pictures didn't get back when promised on Monday as there was a delay. I explained this and the customer wanted to know "Why I took her roll of pictures then on Saturday!" I said I didn't know there was going to be a fire Saturday night, how could I or I would have called the fire department so they would be there when it started and your pictures would be here. They were given a free roll of film for the delay.

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