Don't you think that's a joke?
Okay let's say they are taking 16 credit hours (typical full time) that would mean 32 hours outside the classroom...........for a total for 48 hours.
I for one have never devoted that much time to a class...........
& people tend to go away from home & in a dorm for college because involves "s*x & partying, etc."........if they devoted that much time to their class........they either wouldn't have time to party or they would be too tired to party.
& most college students I know tell me they have part time jobs on the how do u expect me to believe that people devote 48 hours to academic and work on the side..........and also party on the side. No reasnonable person devotes 48 hours per week to school.
Now they supposively expect students to "read" the text book........yeah, if you read the book, it will take you 48 hours per week......
Reading it would be much too time consuming and it is a poor way to memorize information........."skimming" the book, & relying on the lecture notes is a much faster way, not to mention a way that would make it far easier to memorize information.
Sometimes I don't buy the book at all & only rely on the lecture notes....I've done well in some classes just by doing that. The book is a waste of money, way overpriced, and I don't have the physical strength to carry it with me.