
For egyptians who finished their high school?

by  |  earlier

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...and now in universities or graduated and working,

looking back,do you think that ''thanawya 'amma'' was worth all the horror and the anxiety that u felt then?

do you think that this issue is blown out of proportion or it's a normal thing?




  1. thanawiya 3ama is like our public buses !

    you get on the bus , and dont know where it would take you , how ,and after how long .

    this is due to the big numbers that want to join the university .

    the authorities reduce the numbers by strategies unknown to us .

    it's too bad bec everyone believes he has to go to the university or people would look down on him.

    the whole social system needs changes .

  2. you wanna know what i think...i think that sanawya 3amma is a miniature model of real life in egypt

    you deal with S***y ppl

    you deal with stupid routine

    you deal with the injustice

    you deal with the most manipulating ppl

    you deal with ppl who want to take advantage of u

    you also deal with great ppl who want to help u

    you also make a huge number of friends

    to tell u the truth i already miss gaw el deroos kol yom ..w emtehanat youm l gom3a w na2l el wageb abl el ders 3la el 3arabia ely odam el center :D...great times

    about the horror thing...ofcourse it is blown out of proportion   ...i didn't recieve my scores ....can't say if it was worth it or not.... YET




  3. ana lesa ya ranoush mekhalsa el sanawya 3ama

    i always make fun of students and thier families who  3amelneen el sanawya 3ama  BO3BO3

    and the students even dont know what they want ,i feel that if egyptians use thier mind for one day they will know that there is no rule in life or success

    Edit: be3eeed 3en el emte7anat we el magmoo3  hya tegeeb ekte2ab

    @egypty: loooooooooooool me too i used to make the homework in 3arbya  heheheheheh :)

    @ranoush as i said there is no rule u see bad things in ur colloge doesnt mean that all the colloges are the same

    my siblings didnt see what u saw

    @RANOUSH  one of my siblings was in private college and the other is in goverment college

    the one in private college is suffring more than the other one in the goverment college

    and the one in the goverment college never faced any zolem , only rekhama men el doctooor  and also his friends

    and my relatives  were and are in goverment college and never faced zolem only some rekhama from doctoor

    so ranoush as i told u u saw bad things or the ppl around u saw bad things it doesnt mean that whole life is bad or the colleges are bad and kolham zolem

    please let ppl judge on what they have been faced not what they have been told

    we el salam 3alykom we re7amet Allah we barakatoo

    and one thing ranoush  there are many people who are trying to make the ppl around them more desparet and depressed  so plz dont lsiten to them they will make u feel bad while there are good things

  4. yes it worth the horror, cause something is better than nothing and even if the education system in Egypt is bad, we still have universities that can be a start point for many students to start from, then they can go and complete their education outside of Egypt, and many Egyptians have proved themselves in USA, canada and UK.

  5. Let me be honest ...

    the WHOLE education system in Egypt is an embaressing failure ...... from Elementary to college & graduation .....

    @ Egypty:

    loool .... perfect answer .... i used to do that also ....



    @ Ranoush:

    Do u think PRIVATE universities has JUSTICE .... ??!!!!

    Think again please ....

    There is a famous quote says:

    (( es2al megarab, wla tes2al tabeeb ))

  6. i remember when i was studying for the first year in college i was thinking to myself that this is much harder and i could have done better in high school final if i put the same effort necessary in university..

  7. Nah,....don't remind me

    whenever i remember that i sacrificed the world cup semi-final (France vs Portugal) just to study for chemistry final exam i realize how fool i was....

    fool foool foooool foooooooooooool

    in fact sanawy is nothing compared to the college

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