
For energy conservation, what are the best ways to cut ones heating bill?

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I live in a 1 story new build with double pane windows and great insulation. Any suggestions?




  1. heat?  I just open a window.  It's 115F outside.  Where do you live?  Arctic?  Oh wait.  I'm in the desert.  NO ONE gets heat like we do.  The Marines practice here b/c it duplicates the weather and terrain in Iraq.  

    I use those squiggly light bulbs that use little power and I keep my lights off at night except the one where I'm at.  I keep all the doors inside my house closed so that I only have to heat one room (in my case cool it) and I go to bed early and get up early.  Turn off everything at night, even the shaver charger.  

    I installed a solar system about 2 years ago and it generates about 18 kWh per day.  Without AC I use no power.  With AC i use about 50-80 kWh per day.  The solar keeps me in the lowest tier so I pay the lowest rate on energy.  Last month it was 68c but this month will probably be about $10 for 500kWh.  The power is the lowest part of the price.  Our utility also charges for delivery and that is usually much more.  I'm told that they are not legally able to charge that anymore but it's still listed on the bill but since I have solar they normally don't charge til the end of the year in one big lump.  Hopefully the PUC will order them to stop charging the delivery fee since it it THEIR power over THEIR lines.  I can understand if someone else was using their lines but they should charge the utility for that IMHO.

    If your income allows you can get a 20% discount on your bill but since you have a govt job you are probably making too much.   Or not?  

    Cold is better than hot.  You can always wear long johns and a jacket and just bundle up and use thick blankets and then you could avoid heat entirely.  

    In my case I cold the house in the morning and then once I am up and about and on the computer I have a celiling fan that keeps me cool and I can turn the thermostat up to 85 and only have the AC come on in extremes.  With dual pane windows and the tile floors the house rarely gets hotter inside than 85 and since our humidity is only about 4% it's not that bad.  

    Make sure that all your windows are sealed from leaks and the door insulation is good.  The energy company normally has assistance contractors if you meet the minimum monthly income requirements and will insulate your house for free in addition to giving you 20% off.

    Make sure your refrigerator is fairly new and energy efficient.  The power company will let you trade in an old fridge and get $50 off of a new more energy efficient one.  

    Also take quick showers so that the water heater isn't on long.



  2. What you have is a very efficient home. But i turn the heat down to 64 and wear a sweater. We have a fireplace but do not use it very often because one looses more heat than what the wood puts out. Also keep as many light off as you can.Keep you appliances unplugged when not in use.Like coffee maker,etc.You would be surprised how much electricity unplugged appliances use.

    Hope this help a little..(Hugs)

  3. there are companies out there that will do a infrared image of your home that will tell(show) you were the heat loss is.This may only be done probably in cooler (cold) temps(months)but try to find one now to set up an appointment.

    1 best way is to lower your heat setting in the cooler months

  4. where do you live? do you have a wood stove?  we burn wood and now biobricks all winter and the heat never comes on.  wood can be free, biobricks and/or pellets cost $$ but a lot less than the oil we burn here in the northeast U.S.

    Other than that I'd say look for anyplace heat can escape - under doors, etc. and turn down the heat a few degrees.

  5. I make sure I shut my windows in the morning & draw the curtains if sun is shining through. It keeps the house cooler. If it is 70 degress I open the windows. My husband has them open now at 79 but he never listens...I splash water on me to stay cool & we have ceiling fans so we use them more now rather than cool the whole house.

  6. I live in the country and heat with a wood stove as much as possible. Partition the house and actually heat as little space as possible. Electric or propane small space heaters can come in handy. Cutting down the actual space cooled or heated saves me and the people I know who do it the most. Fancy thermostats and timers can save bucks.

    I have wanted to talk about ethanol but no one has any questions. Do you know ethanol is a total and complete scam? It takes more oil to produce ethanol than it saves. Ethanol as we all know has not brought the price of gasoline down one bit. The real horrible aspect of ethanol is the corn which was going to feed the world is now going to make ethanol and high corn prices is causing massive grocery store inflation. Obama is a big ethanol advocate which is a good indication Obama does not understand the oil business at all. By the way ethanol is a bad guy scheme and its arrival and hyper inflationing is as deliberate as can be.

  7. Be cool - turn down the thermostat.

    Put solar panels on your roof.  They will stop the heating of your roof and use the sunlight to produce electricity to supplement your energy use.

    Use triple-pane argon filled windows.

    Plant trees to break the wind to stop wind chill from cooling your house.  Use on north side allowing sunlight through your windows on the south.

  8. Hi Chi................Sounds like you got all the best right now.....The hot water tank settings might be turned down or use your washer and dryer a little less often........but other than that..........there really isnt much you can save on.   You can try to capture Old man Sun a little and distribute His love and light and warmth through-out your house......during the needed hours.......just depends where you live. A nice curtain over big windows will do some good.........most of your heat loss is up.......soooooooo......the rest goes out thru your Canada they use a lot of triple-pane glass. Caulking windows and doors........putting gaskets around electric outlet covers helps. If you have lots of square ft. in that one story.....your trying to move alot of heat somewhere , but if should be ok.....if you have high ceilings , bring the heat back down with some nice fans. Hopefully the floor in your new home is insulated....and you have a good 6 mil visqueen on the ground under. Would like to know where you live and what climate is like..........this is kind of hope it helps. One of my friends sets his thermostat at 67...........but that's a little cool for me.....but they have learned to adjust to it......soooooooooo......all the best...nite

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