
For everyone who has been answearing my aquarium question thank you but i just got 1 more question left please

by Guest61288  |  earlier

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yesterday morning i went to petsmart and bought a goldfish tank starter kit..and i was going to buy a black moor goldfish until a clerk told me that i just had to buy the aquarium and set it up and leave the water running and come back in 48 hours and buy the fish..but then i asked many people here on yahoo answears and said a gold fish isnt good enought to have in those kind of tanks im getting 1.77 Gal soo im listening to them and im going to decide to buy a betta ok thats not the point.the point is that yesterday i left my aquarium runnin,filter,i used the water conditioner everything seem right until today i woke up and i saw the it was cloudy-foggy watever and until now its still like that im scared that i did something wrong did i ?sorry a goldfish die on me before because i was soooo stupid and had it in a bowl and i totally regret because i did a research i just dont want my betta to go throught what my goldfish did :( so please someone explain to me if the cloudy-foogy aquariu




  1. leave the tank be it is starting the cycle process I am guessing no body told you it takes a tank about a month to cycle completly cycling is the process of building bacteria to convert fish waste and excess food into something safe for the fish as the waste breaks down it turns into ammonia then a bacteria converts it to nitrite both ammonia and nitrite are fish killers ammonia the number 1 once the nitrite builds some another bacteria converts that in to nitrate which is basicly harmless to fish in small amounts

    this is whay the tank is cloudy useing chemicals to correct this is a no no if you want to add something get some gravel or some water siphoned from the gravel of an established tank and add it to yours this will seed your tank and speed up the cycle if you opt to wait to add fish untill the tank finishes cycleing you should give the tank a pinch of fish food a coulpe of times a week

  2. There are a few causes for your situation, but since your aquarium is so new, I will have to settle on a few!

    First I would like to say I just purchased the SAME aquarium from the same place as you (it's the only 1.77 goldfish starter in the store). It is a great tank, and you are very lucky to own it! I keep my African Clawed frog in it.

    Now excuse me for going off on my own "rabbit trail". I will continue on with my answer now.

    This, in most situations, is normal for a newly established aquarium.

    Since you just started it up, there are simple solutions to be applied to this situation.

    Solutions like dust on the gravel, or dust in the filter etc.

    If you have it in direct sunlight (at any time of the day) this could be something a bit more serious. You could be exposed to an algae bloom.

    If this be the case (if it doesn't clear up within a day or two), you will need to do a complete water change and clean out your filter (don't worry, if it truly is the same aquarium as mine it is an EASY filter to clean).

    Set up your tank with water again and get it running for another 24-48 hours.

    Also, a Betta would be your best choice for this sized aquarium as well.

    Best of luck,


  3. Thats normal, just wait another couple days and it should clear up.  And on a tank that small, you don't need a heater unless your house is very cold.  Small tanks are usually room tempature and that should be fine for a betta.  Most people don't put heaters in a tank smaller than 10 gallons.

  4. Absolutely normal!

    Leave it there for a few more days and VOILA~ clean and clear!

  5. Cloudy water can be from the filter kicking up tiny particles in your gravel.  

    If you haven't put any fish, food, plants or anything else in the tank, then just let your filter continue to run and your water will clear up.

    Now, about that Betta you want, you must have a heater in the tank, because they are tropical fish. Your tank is just on the edge of being big enough for 1 Betta, but a better choice is 2.5 or larger.

    The optimal temperature should be between 76-82 degrees.

    If your water is foggy and you've put a fish in there, then you've got a bacterial bloom, as the bacteria is trying to keep up with the ammonia load. At any rate, it's normal and just let your filter continue to do it's job.


    Bettas require heated water. They will not survive very long without it.  Their livespan is 5-7 years, in optimal conditions.  Optimal means heated water.  Unless the air temperature of your home remains at a steady 78 degrees year round, the water in your tank will not be at the correct temp for a Betta. Fluctuating temps cause stress and stress means an early death for your fish.

  6. Just give the filter some more time to clear it up!

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