
For everyone who takes tylenol pm?

by Guest67066  |  earlier

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I know alot of people take it to go to sleep. And i just wanted to point out something. Stop taking it unless you need it for pain And sleep. Im just trying to help your health because theres an easier way, take the active sleep ingredient in it for sleep. Diphenhydramine HCl (brand name: benedryl). Im sure alot of people know that, im just tired of people saying take it for sleep. Dont take it for sleep, take benedryl for sleep without messing up your liver with so much tylenol.




  1. LOL.. what made you post that?  that wasn't a question but... yes. i totally agree with you. i used to take tylenol pm and then iw as like wait a minute.. benadryl has the same ingredients minus the tylenol.. tylenol screws up your liver!

    a lot of medication tries to trick you like that... look at excedrin. theres excedrin migraine, excedrin tension headache, excedrin back and body, excedrin extra strength.. and guess what... they all have teh same d**n ingredients.  to a "t".  aspirin and caffeine.  when i have a migraine, nothing works except my migraine meds.  its so annoying when people are like, excedrin migraine takes away mine.... i want to be like really?  and your tension and your back aches.. ugh. lol

    but yes i agree with you.  tylenol has a product called simply sleep as well.  this doenst contain tylenol, just the diphenhydramine.... its all just for marketing purposes that a lot of us fall for  

  2. dude your the biggest hypocrite

    i read all your other questions and answers and first you say you dont do drugs

    then you say "i do meth fool"

    then you say i havent done drugs in a year exept zoloft

    then you say im going to drink liquid mercury

    grow up poser  

  3. Yes that is true about 10 years ago I was just taking them for sleep and it did not take long to get hooked on them, luckily I kicked them and now I will just have a warm glass of milk and a good book to get a good nights sleep.

  4. Great post, I actually cant take either to sleep because for some reason I have RLS only when I take anything with the sleep ingredient found in Tylenol. But Sleep MD works great for me.  

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