
For extended/long term breast feeders?

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Once your child could speak, did your child have a 'code word' for when the wanted to nurse? My grandmother was telling me about a lady who's 5 year old would say 'num num' when he wanted to nurse and another lady was telling me her 2 year old used to say 'nice' when he wanted to nurse. Ian is almost a year and has started yanking down my shirt (even in public) when he wants to nurse and screaming 'mil mama mil.' I guess I should have been teaching 'nursing manners' 12 months ago!! What does your child say/do when they want to nurse? Also, any tips on teaching 'nursing manners'?




  1. My 13mo old says "woob" My 2 year old started it after my husband was teasing them "You want the boob" It takes time for them to learn that pulling our shirts down I refused to feed my daughter in public if she just pulled down my shirt I would make her wait and ask (It takes a lot of time and if she started to get really fussy i would give in but most of the time in public it was for comfort)  

  2. My son was a late talker so codewords didn't work.  However its good to make them "ask nicely" in whatever is appropriate for the age/development of your child.

    I'm sure you are at least trying to teach your son "inside voice" so just remind him to "ask nicely" and don't give him breastmilk until he does.

  3. I wasn't able to nurse, but I was a member of a mother's forum and I remember reading several mothers talking about teaching their baby to use sign language for when they want to nurse.  They would teach them a certain sign (not sure if it was something like the sign for "milk" or what) and that's what they would use.  Good luck to you and sorry I couldn't help more.  

  4. my son si 17 months and sometimes still pulls at my shirt but then i tell him no- that's not nice be nice to mommy and he hugs and kisses me after that and stops- most of the time he just climbs in my lap and puts his head on my shoulder or he says "num num" occasionally he says boobies lol thanks to his daddy. but that's rarely. i can't even remmebr the last time i nursed my son out in public because now that he's walkign and runnign around he's too busy to nurse

  5. WOW...does this bring back SWEET WONDERFUL MEMORIES!  I Nursed all  of my Babies 2 years each and all of them did the same thing as they got older, around 1 year or so, they knew i wouldn't allow them to grab and pull at my clothes nor put their hands down the front of my shirt (they learned that at a young young age) they would sit beside me and put their little head on my lap and say  "SOME?" I Loved it! Thanks for the Memory especially since my youngest will be 13 in 6 others are 14 1/2 and 17!

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