
For feminists only please...?

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LBDSM: How was your view of the world getting warped, by being here?




  1. Recently I responded to a question somewhat similar by explaining why I do feel a kind of 'responsibility' to present my viewpoint in an honest way here on GWS.

    Of course there are only relatively few regular posters here (I leave aside the more obvious trolls), but the fact is that this is an internationally accessible board and not everyone will be at the same place in the debate as us.

    There is so much to learn and such a lot we can teach each other. We can share our knowledge and experiences and provide support for others.

    At the very least, I want to know that I've put in my two cents' worth to counter the more obvious lies and woman hating that goes on.

    How many times have we all seen some innocent newcomer with a serious question get jumped on by the nastier of the trolls and told off for daring to ask a question that doesn't coddle their fragile egos? How many of them come back?

    At least if some of the better and more serious posters respond (whether I agree with what they say or not), there is a chance *everyone* can be heard.

    Plus, it can be such a laugh :-) and the people here who are cool, really ARE cool. You know who you are :-) *Waves*

    Thanks for the question, it was a really good one!

    Cheers :-)

    PS: Amy E : Lots of feminists are SAHMs who wear 'feminine' clothes and like to do girly things, too! Everyone's welcome :-)

    PPS: Schmeezer ~ people are talking to you ... maybe you need to ask some more questions?

  2. Not. Feminism IS sexism, so its quite proper to oppose it's bigotry. As more and more people figure out how feminism lies and lies and lies, then feminism will be under more and more well earned pressure. Thats a Good Thing.

    Further, the one sidedness of placing "gender studies" with

    "women's studies" is a naked example of the bias of feminism.

    An actual egalitarian movement would be "gender and HUMAN studies". Because even men are people, too...

  3. i do  see the decline, but i don't feel responsible for keeping it.  at one time i learned alot through my visits, but the trolling and ridiculous violations have made it really unpleasant of late.  i rarely visit anymore.

  4. Gender & Women's Studies...

    I think, Yahoo should rename this sector, as men are not mentioned, why only women?

    Are there no Men's Studies? And if not, why not?

    Does not sound to me to be equality.

    This sector should not be 'feminist only' and this question should not be 'for feminist only'.

    What 'quality' do you expect from a board, which is single-sided? Considered 'feminist only'? A board, where is no space for any different opinion anymore?

    Yahoo should change its policy and this sector should be open for both, men and women...I see no reason, why feminism should enjoy a preference status in Yahoo - Question/Answer about Gender Studies.

  5. I found y!a through the G&WS section last year when I was googling information on feminism. I think it's important to have places like this out there.

  6. Part of the reason I feel compelled to keep coming back is to help  represent the modern males who want to allow women and men to achieve their full liberation.  Most of what we need to fight against now is subtle discrimination against both genders.  I would like women to be able to come in and visit and see that not every male  in  this forum blames feminism for all of modern societies social ills, and that not all of us want a traditional marriage or the traditional roles for males that come with them.

  7. I believe GWS should be here for other people who need guidance for feminism.  I'm all for the feminist cause, but I personally, when I finally transition, will probably be a stay at home mom who cleans the house and makes dinner for my husband when he comes home.  It's just sort of how I'm being raised right now, and I guess it's working.  But I think it's more that my mom wanted me to allow my (they don't know I'm MTF transsexual) wife to work just as much as me, but I do a little more of the housework.  And I'll probably be wearing clothes that are meant only for women, such as skirts and dresses, because those are the only comfortable clothes to me.  So I believe this forum should stay here for the feminists, it's just not that much for me.

  8. Well Hala, I do my best, but the trolls keep getting my Q&A deleted. I've asked about self-induced abortion, leading women scientists, and suchlike, but for some reason the powers that be at Y!A think my questions should go, while "questions" that are calculated insults to women should stay.

  9. Some posters, like me, may have left the Forum for a while, because their view of the world was getting warped.  But, yes, I do think that there is a need for women to counter the falsities that are spread here, defaming all feminists.  Ooops, I said the word.  (Mentally hears a troll in the background jumping up and down with his hand in the air saying, "What a bout me, what about me, what about me?")  Don't they get it.  It has been about men, esp white men for at least 5000 years.  Now, for a few decades it has begun to ALSO be about women.  Give me a break and SPARE ME the pitiable whining.

  10. Yes i think there is responsibility.  However like zuccini I keep getting violations at least one every time i'm on.  One day i had 5 questions deleted and they were tame.

    I like to talk to everyone it would be boring if there were no debate, would be nice to leave the hate and agression behind.

  11. I do.

    But noone is talking to me.

    So I feel inclined to leave.

  12. Hi hala! :)

    I think it would be wonderful to have a place where women could go and learn from other women and be encouraged in their overcoming troubles and pursuing their dreams and goals. :)

    I think it Also would be good to have a place where we can talk about issues affecting women today and talk about history and how it affects women. We could also maybe talk about things like gender identity and roles or even about ethics and s*x.

    What do you think?  :)

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