
For foreigners: What do you think is the strangest Greek habit?

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For foreigners: What do you think is the strangest Greek habit?




  1. Im Greek but ill answer anyway, mind you....

    When i go to greece, growing up in the us, i always found it annoying to take naps in the afternoon and then stay up all night partying...(then again thats more like what my grandma likes to do XD) but this year i feel like im going to enjoy these naps and parties

  2. all eating habits related to garlic...

    it is funny

  3. Nightclub behaviour! Not going there to dance but going to just stand around & pose instead (without doing any smiling if possible)!

  4. As I'm married to a Greek I can name many!!!!


    The most irritating habit has to be freakin' komboloi' worry beads - I can't stand the clack clack clack when I am in a restaurant or cafeteria.   and smoking ..... being inconsiderate where they blow their smoke in public places ..... I'd better stop now!

  5. Dancing this slow music, looks like they are looking for some coins on the floor. lol

  6. I am Greek and I will tell you which is the strangest and most annoying Greek habit: smoking, smoking, smoking, smoking at work, in an office, in the streets, at home, at cafes' and restaurants' non-smoking areas, so much smoking .... I can't stand it anymore!

  7. "Strange habit"?

    What do you mean?

  8. It annoys me when I go into places like banks and post offices or any other offices and there is a No Smoking sign.  Only to find that the people working behind the counter are puffing their heads off.

  9. Great question!

    I'm Greek and I can't answer though.

    ADDED: Zoltan, as you may know, Γραικός is an even more ancient word than Έλλην. Why do you not want to be referred to as Greek? Just curious.

    ADDED: I see. Thanks for explaining.

  10. i thnik i qaulify as a foreigner.. so i ask what country dosent have strange habits..but the worse habbit of all that greeks have is refering to them selves as greeks..when cleary they are  hellenic...but i dont blame them...its a bad habbit the rest of the world has picked up.                                                                                                           added .elani...becuse to me greek is not graikos.....especialy when "greece" is asimulated with another word.but your right graikos is more ancient..i wouldnt mind it to be called graikos..but not greek i hate it..alwasy have .

  11. If you really want to know and get more honest opinions, you should post this at the Polls&Surveys Section.You will get more answers there :)

  12. I really don't like the Question because every country has bad habits and it's not kind to enlarge on this and you young people find it so easy to comply and humiliate your country.

    Some times it is better not to answer a question than to answer and really degrade something or someone. For healthy cooking

  13. To me it was the fact that they have very late dinners, about 10 pm. We usually have a dinner around 8:00 - 8:30, so that seemed incredibly late to me. If I had a dinner that late, I wouldn't be able to sleep... LOL :)

  14. The fact that it was the birth place of democracy and they mistreat minorities

  15. Conspiracy theories have to be it.  Whatever bad happens to Greece is somehow created by the US State Dept.  If an earthquake happens, sure enough some Greeks will say the Americans are behind it.

    That is quite strange to me, and I think that self-reflection is best instead of blaming boogeymen for your problems.

  16. I don't find anything strange,and no i'm not greek but i did grow up in Mediterranean..

  17. Greeks dont have anything strange!! WE are just perfect and very beautiful!!!(hehehe) people!

    PS: come and see!

  18. I'm not a foreigner but I can't resist. While walking on the street a kind of an old man spitted right next to my foot.I gave him a piece of my mind and he said he was sorry.Please people get a handkerchief.Sorry for butting in!!!!!Yia sou.

  19. the take naps in the middle of the day!!!!(only in the summer though)

    i think it's great because you wake up refreshed and ready for the night life

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