
For foreigners who lived in Saudi, Muslims and non-Muslims..?

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For foreigners who lived in Saudi, Muslims and non-Muslims..

What do you think of Saudi Arabia?

What do you think of the people?

What do you think of the cultural life in Saudi?

Did you experience anything that makes you hate/love Saudi Arabia?

For women..

Do wear scarf?

What do you think of the closed environment for women in Saudi?

Are you going to continue wearing the scarf outside Saudi?

I have more questions for my study, but let's start with these first.

: )




  1. 1-its a good place and the live her is relatively easy

    2-its a boring thing as I dont see except those indians everywhere


  2. Saudis are nice, kind, simple, friendly and generous but they are lazy, aggressive, impatient, not interested to learn and sometimes dumb (but not all).

    The culture is primarily based on Islam but some cultures are not like for example closing shops every prayer time, not allowing women to drive, not allowed to have cinemas, not allowed to play loud music esp. in Riyadh and remote areas, not allowed to have public concerts, etc. which is way out of Islam already....

    I like the simplicity of life in Saudi Arabia which you can save more money rather than working in open countries where there's too much bars, cinemas, night clubs to spend your thing I learn here, if you want to save money for your future, you should work here.....

  3. well I dont think its as closed as the western media seems to make it out to be for us women.. sure we cant drive, but that doesnt mean we cant go whenever, wherever we want.. I can hop a taxi at my whim and go to my destination whenever..

    I have been to everywhere I wanted to go with no restictions.. There are ladies banking institutions, so no restictions there.. I have been in every store, mall, restaurant, I please... I have even been into plumbing, electronic, and home supply stores while me and my husband were building our home the past 4 years... No one said anything to me..

    I wear my scarf our of my devotion to God.. but there are plenty of women now that dont wear one, foreign women arent required to. and some nowadays dont even wear an abaya (traditional covering cloak).. they just dress conservatively and no one bothers them...

  4. I'm still here.  It's ok. Can be boring as people here sleep during the day and stay up all night, while those who work are sleeping the nights, so theres not much to do.

    Saudis are usualy friendly, but they are horrible drivers and rude to people they view as below them, such as Indians, Pakistanis

    I don't like how Saudis are lazy, if they get a flat tire for instance, they insult random foreignors to change there tire for them for money, and then they throw the money at the person rather than handing it to them.

    Millions of guest workers are brought here to work, not because there is a demand, but because Saudis don't want to work. I mean it isnt like USA where the companies want cheap labor, here in Saudi they are literally not willing to work.

    They have no concept of waiting in line, there is chaos when you enter a busy store, everyone cuts each other, pushing and shoving and swearing.

    Women are sexually harassed a lot, espicially if the woman has hands that are light skinned. My boss told me a cop outside masjid al haraam grabbed his nieces butt and when she turned around he gave her this perverted smile.

    There is too much drinking and driving here, I've been in 4 accidents since I moved here 6 years ago, 3 by drunk drivers and all tried to drive away.  Everyone here smokes tobacco and alot of people smoke hash.

    Women mainly from the philipines are imported here to work as live in maids, but in reality become girlfriends for the men in the house. the wives become jealous so they often beat the Filipina or they look for foreign men for a relationship.  My 3rd day here and a woman slipped me her phone number. Later she told me she was married.  This month Ive gotten 7 phone numbers just to give you an idea. My first year here I use to get around 15 a month.

    What I like about Saudi is there is no taxes!!! petrol is cheap, liquor is cheap. Like here you can get a big bottle of Jack Daniels for 5 dollars rather than 40 in the US.

    The desert is awesome and no humidity, the food is great.

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