
For g*y men...what were some of the ways you misinterpreted your orientation?

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I'm not talking about the guys who knew they were g*y right away. And I'm not talking about trying to ignore it or deny it. What I mean is that there were signs that you would later recognize as pointing out that you were g*y but you honestly interpreted them as having another meaning.




  1. I know it may be just a false g*y stereotype, but I did play with Barbie dolls when I was 4-8, and I did have an infactuation with Ken.

  2. As a child, I remember always checking out men's underwear ads, as one example.

  3. i was looking at both sexes and i defently knew that no one else was like this, i just didnt know wat the h**l was going with me, cuz i was 12 and ppl already were labeling themselves g*y and str8 at such an early age and i didnt know wat the h**l i was.

    i looked at g*y p**n and watched the playgirl bunny channel hahaha, so yea i knew i liked both sexes.

    i didnt know i was bi until 2 years ago due to the biphobia (i just wanna say thanks to the biphobics who made my childhood such a confusing mess -_- i never had the chance to be me or anything becuase i was trying to figure out my sexuality)

    i dedicate this song to all the biphobics

    John Oszajca - I Hate You (My Friend)

  4. I thought looking at g*y p**n was me comparing myself to other guys

  5. One sign could have been my wishing Christopher Robin could be pantless. And also wishing I could peek up Mowgli's skirt-thingee. lol  But I didn't interpret those things as having any real meaning.

  6. Umm.

    MTV guys ;)

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