
For girls only please, I have a health question?

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so i have a yeast infection (that i know for sure....or maybe I'm wrong), and i never had it before and so it itches and i itch it of course..... but now the lips (ya know the pink part) of my v****a is swollen.....please i need help!!!!




  1. you irritated them from scratching. you can either go to the docs to make sure or you can buy an otc med for yeast infections and see how that works.

  2. owezz face da same prob. but, neva went to doc. i juz don scratch dat part so much.. juz let da itch, itching. don disturb them. make sure u completely clean dat part afta urinate ok. still, go to doc if u're sickly worried bout dat. dis collumn can only suggest, not makin da prob lessen. only doc can really help you out.

    gud luck.


  3. If it is itchy? You might, but swollen that doesn't sound quite right for a yeast infection. Possible. Now they have over the counter tests for yeast infections. If you are too embarrassed to go to the Dr I would try that and get Monistat if it is one, but if it is something else go see your Dr asap.....especially if you have had unprotected s*x.

  4. immediately visit a dermatalogist. Use Absorb Powder as soon as possible. Do visit

    If you cant visit, then take a course of TERBEST Tablets for 7 days.  

  5. It is either"

    Yeast infection:

    Vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis cause symptoms that are nonspecific, which means that aside from the yeast infection, other conditions can cause the identical symptoms. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis include:



    pain during intercourse and/or urination, and

    vaginal discharge. (Vaginal discharge is not always present, but when it occurs, the discharge is odorless and typically has a whitish, thick appearance and texture, like cottage cheese.)

    Vulvitis can also cause local pain in addition to the above symptoms. Pain in the vulvar area is referred to as vulvodynia.

    Bacterial vaginosis: (i had by the way):

    The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge and odor. Usually, there are no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal discharge that is considered normal varies from woman to woman. Therefore, any degree of vaginal discharge that is abnormal for a particular woman should be evaluated.

    Many women with bacterial vaginosis actually have no symptoms at all. Others experience an unpleasant fishy odor with vaginal discharge. The discharge is usually thin and grayish white. The discharge is often more noticeable after sexual intercourse


    Symptoms of UTI or bladder infection are not easy to miss and include a strong urge to urinate that cannot be delayed which is followed by a sharp pain or burning sensation in the urethra when the urine is released. Most often very little urine is released and the urine that is released may be tinged with blood. The urge to urinate recurs quickly and soreness may occur in the lower abdomen, back, or sides.

    This cycle may repeat itself frequently during the day or night--most people urinate about six times a day, when the need to urinate occurs more often a bladder infection should be suspected.

    When bacteria enters the ureters and spread to the kidneys, symptoms such as back pain, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting may occur, as well as the previous symptoms of lower urinary tract infection.

    Bladder infection:

    Itchiness and a burning sensation while urinating, along with the urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty are the most common bladder infection symptoms. Less common symptoms include fevers, unusual discharge from the urethra, dark, cloudy urine or evidence of blood in the urine.

    These are not the symptoms reported by many elderly patients with bladder infection, however. Instead, there are less obvious signs, such as a loss of appetite or a change in eating habits. The sudden onset of confusion may also indicate a bladder infection in the elderly

  6. My doctor says that those over the counter yeast infection remedies like Monistat aren't good for women at all. Your best bet is to make an appointment with the GYN especially if you have never been to one before, this might be the perfect time to start.

    Good Luck sweetie

  7. go to a doctor baby girl!!

  8. Are you treating the yeast infection? There are a lot of good over the counter treatments available, and as for the swelling, yes.. it's normal, try applying a icepack, it feels very soothing

  9. I hate yeast infections!  Get the Monistat 3-day pack.  It has medicine you insert to clear up the yeast infection, and it also comes with a topical cream that you can spread of the outside of your v****a to reduce the itching.  Oh, and I think Monistat also makes a testing kit that you can use to tell if you have a yeast infection for sure, or if its something else.  Good luck!

  10. yeah, it's a yeast infection. get the 3 day monastat thing for now. because i used one of those one day packs once and it sucked and didnt fix i got a diflucan at the dr. (they might just call it in for you) and it took care of it. the longer you let it go, the more irritated it gets and it'll get red and swollen. not fun. just get a 3 day pack at the store for now, wear cotton undies, and call the dr asap to get some diflucan.  

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