
For golfers who shoot in the 80's or below. I am usually around a 95 give or take up to ten strokes.?

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and i am starting to really practice a lot, the most recent problem i have is where i was usually hitting a fade i am now hitting a draw, if i understood why and could control it i would be happy about it but the truth is i cant control it and something has changed in my swing that i cant pin point. this question is poorly worded but if anybody understands what i am talking about and has any tips or ideas i am all ears. and what is the most effective way you find to practice




  1. Go to a PRO he will tell you in a few swings what is going on GOOD LUCK.

  2. Every good player has been right where you are.  If your swing path is coming from the inside your flipping your hands or over releasing the club.  The other possibility is that in an effort not to go right, you've started aiming left of the target and your coming over the top(outside to in).  Either way, I've found that going left is worse than the fade your used to.  First make sure your entire body is square to the target line.  Don't forget about your shoulders being square.  This can easily be overlooked.  If you meet that criteria let the left side of your body control the swing.  The right hand is along for the ride, it doesn't supply the power, don't get too wristy.  Any way this may or may not help.  Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Working the ball is not a bad thing.  Most golfers would love to hit a draw.  I know I would.  It's also nice to control it.  An easy solution would be to aim further right of your target.  My brother sometimes hits a hook and I told him the same thing.  It took a while, but he finally did it and nearly hit a hole in one the first time he tried it.  As far as practice, I am doing something throughout the day whether I have a club in my hand or not.  I work on swing path just trying to get that muscle memory down without having a club in my hand.  I work on chipping and putting in my apartment virtually every night.  Annoys the significant other from time to time, but she gets quality time too.  Subscribe to a golf magazine and check out the tips provided.  Any little thing helps in my opinion.

  4. U should imagin playing your course on the range

    It will help with boredom levels and also inspire you to try new shots!

  5. Its all about swing plane...

    When you fade a ball it means you most  likely have an outside to inside swing.  What that means is as you take the club back the head of the club goes outside of the swing plane (away from your body) than as you come down to impact you are sort of swinging across the ball. This action outside to in imparts a slice spin resulting in a fade.

    The hook or draw is the result of a an inside backswing. This is characterized often as a flat backswing where your hands a teh top of the back swing are almost below your right shoulder.  As you swing down on the ball you try to get the club back on plane but never or rarely do resulting in a draw or hook.

    Focus on the position of the hands at the top of the backswing - they should be between your ear and shoulder (roughly) - figure out where in that range of ear to shoulder your shots change from draw to fade.

    Practice this in front of mirror without a club. The next level of practice is the driving range. A good tool for this is the medicus 2000 5 iron.

  6. Chances are 1 of 2 things are happening.

    1. Your simply swinging "inside the line" as you're supposed to creating the draw.

    2. Your "heel" is hitting the ground first behind the ball to create a hooded club situation.

    Now if you're really starting to practice a lot as you say, you should be able to feel the heel on the ground if that's happening. Good luck.

  7. I would need to see your to analyse your swing for the first part. The second part however is a bit simpler. An effective way to practise is to choose one club,yes 1 club and that is the only club you hit balls with for that day of practise. Then at the end finish off with some chipping and putting practise. Have a day off hitting balls but still practice your chipping and putting. Then choose another club and hit balls with that.

    The reason, repitition is the key and secondly the chipping and putting practice side is were you save most of your shots in golf.

  8. Really, no one can answer your question without seeing you swing the club.  See your club pro.

    Check your grip.

                your ball position

                Square up to the target.

                Swing your left shoulder past your chin

                Follow through straight toward your target.

    See your pro

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