
For guys! What special treatment do you give your crushes? or what do you do to get her attention?

by  |  earlier

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some say tha they get the girl's attention by joking around with her a lot than the rest of the girls........or by noticing almost every action the girl does..? DO these stand true to you as well?




  1. i agree with the fact that more the attention a guy pays on the girl more the girl realizes that the boy has the crush on her.and the joking around with her is the best way that you can tell that how much you notice her.I think this que is better to ask from girls.

  2. Having a laugh and talking about the girls hobbies with them.

    I talk dancing sometime YUUK lol but it gets their attention and you get rewarded haha

  3. *blush* im reallay shy so i mostlee jus stare at them an smile an blush an look away when i liek soemone ♥ im so glad my girlfriend aprounched me ferst!!

  4. i give my girl all the attention she wants. and if i mess up i will get the message.    the answer to the ? is. true

  5. well im normally a quiet and reserved person but if there is a lass i like and im introduced i will talk a lot to her, i generally find it much easier to talk to women than lads tbh, no im not g*y before someone summises that, but men have diffrenet approaches some are upfront whee as others are more subtle

  6. I don't know (since i'm not a guy) but people say the more a guy teases you the more he likes you ; ]

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